Vid is great because it clearly shows how Argyroneta aquatica transports O2 to its "diving bell". Fantastic!
Talk about a spider filling a tough niche! :clap:
Great video, DJ. What is particularly interesting about the footage is the spider flicking it's abdomen through the surface, allowing more air to be accumulated over the hairs and then adding the air to the diving bell. Well shot too.
Really? Seems these would be very interesting captives...good sized aquarium with cold water, plants, and aquatic bugs. It has a huge range and I find it unlikely it would be threatened or protected in all countries.
Shipping them could be a problem. They would probably need to be kept very cold to survive transit.(probably packed in wet moss). An eggsac might be a better option.
if they are from goofy little section of like England or something, than yeah, i think they are way protected
Have you seen giant predacious water bugs? toe biters. they would be SWEET to get culturing! my buddy got a few to hatch and up to like 3i i think. neat thing is the mom sticks the eggs to the male and *he* takes care of them
I would imagine a Japan or East Europe would be more likely though. They only exist in that narrow strip North of the Sahara...I don't recall many of the Northern countries exporting anything as of late.
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