I got an Avicularia sp. today, and it would'nt keep still, lol, then it decide to shoot poop at me! yuck! hehe, Nevermind. It just stopped! and i thought either your gonna bite me or your gonna shoot poop instead. And it was the second.
So I am responsible for designing some Boxers and Fem. Panties... I am looking to cartoonify a Threat pose... any donations will be greatly appreciated. It would be amazing if you could take them out of the home and get them on some white background and floor... or a bathtub would work.. just saves me some work ...
This guy is trying as hard as he can to look threatening at about 3"; but only ends up looking like he's giving up and waving the white flag....hehehehe.
Good luck with your T. day.
You need to check with Kyle. He has a shot of the best threat display I've seen from a P .ornata. Perfect form and contrast with the yellow highlights. I forgot what user name he goes by on here. Hopefully, he will probably run into this post.
Bumping up... I want to see that threat pose.. I'm looking for full body shots.. I might design a couple T-shirts with a 13-18" or so P regalis on the side of it.
Kind of like this, but with a Pokie. Thanks Talken you got any shots of a pokie stretched on the glass? I know you do
I don't know if anybody has made a thread JUST for threat poses but if nobody has here is one. Post pics of your tarantulas' best threat display and post it here for all to view. I will start this thread off with two of mine.
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