Are the mites on my Giant African Millipede bad?


Feb 10, 2025
Ive been looking online for a very long time and I keep finding discussions on this website asking the same thing, unfortunately all the posts I’ve seen either have a mite that doesn’t look like mine or they don’t post a photo so I made an account in hopes that someone might be able to help me out, I apologize if I posted this to the wrong thread or messed something up I really am not sure how this website works yet I’m just so worried that my bug is in trouble. He doesn’t seem bothered by the mites but then I read about red spider mites and I seriously can not tell whether these are red or brown and honestly the more I look at them the more they look like the spider mites. Any help would be appreciated seriously🙏



Active Member
Aug 23, 2015
Should be fine as long as they don't attach to the millipedes body. In great numbers, they will stress the millipede out.

You could always use a paintbrush to brush the mites off, then kill them.

From here you can quarantine the tank, maybe heat treat the substrate to get rid of any survivors. Keep in mind that heat treating will kill beneficial microbes in the substrate.

I find that freezing the substrate doesn't do much, everything that was in the substrate previously almost "re-activates" when it hits room temp again.


Active Member
Dec 24, 2018
Ive been looking online for a very long time and I keep finding discussions on this website asking the same thing, unfortunately all the posts I’ve seen either have a mite that doesn’t look like mine or they don’t post a photo so I made an account in hopes that someone might be able to help me out, I apologize if I posted this to the wrong thread or messed something up I really am not sure how this website works yet I’m just so worried that my bug is in trouble. He doesn’t seem bothered by the mites but then I read about red spider mites and I seriously can not tell whether these are red or brown and honestly the more I look at them the more they look like the spider mites. Any help would be appreciated seriously🙏
You have a wild caught individual.

I was researching these millipedes as I recently saw one in person. The African Giant Millipede, Archispirostreptus gigas is truly an enormous millipede.

These millipedes in the wild have mites usually on their legs. It's a symbiotic relationship not parasitic. The mites help keeping the millipede clean especially the legs.

These are not grain mites so if you have other animals like tarantulas keep the millipede away from them. I'm talking about a completely different room not a few feet away. I do not know if these particular mites present a threat to other animal types.

Captive bred Archispirostreptus gigas do not have mites. It is possible to get grain mites in their enclosure and on them due to the requirements for keeping them in an enclosure.

Ask the seller where they obtained this millipede.

Most Archispirostreptus gigas being sold in the U.S. currently are wild caught. They are very difficult to find and very difficult to breed.
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Active Member
Feb 15, 2024
recommend captive bred as much as possible when it comes to exotic pets, less parasites and diseases will be introduced into the hobby.


Arachnosupporter +
Nov 28, 2023
As discussed in Previous Threads on this Topic.
The latest being the thread 'Best way to treat mites'
The use of moist vegetables / fruits, may be used as a Lure to attract them, allowing for their removal.
Sliced Mushrooms, etc.
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