Arachnophobia(National Geographic Video)


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Good point :) I don't know if I was truly arachnophobic. But I know that my whole life if I saw any kind/size of spider anywhere, I would start shaking, my heart would race, I would break out in hives if one touched me and I would always end up in tears unless someone removed it VERY quickly. I could not think straight or rationalize when a spider was near, even a picture was enough to set me off! I found one in my bed once and slept on the couch for 2 weeks in fear it would "return" lol

I finally decided enough was enough and through the help of a friend, started doing research etc Finally brought home my G. pulchripes about 4 months after starting research. However I was still terrified of her. My husband held her one night, and after a while I finally worked up the nerve to peek into the room and make sure he was still alive ;) Amazingly he was and "Charlotte" was just chilling on his hand, I decided it was now or never, put out my hand, closed my eyes (my hubby was supervising her to make sure she didnt get hurt) and bit the bullet. The first few minutes of having on her my hand, I was shaking and sweating but I quickly realized she didn't want to eat me and I opened my eyes. It was like magic, seeing this "huge" (shes only 2 1/2 inches lol but at that point she was huge to me) spider just sitting on my hand, changed everything.

Im still nervous of true spiders loose in my house, but I love my 2 T's and have no fear of them anymore. I can also proudly say I would never kill a true spider anymore (Im ashamed to admit I used to demand they be killed as I was convinced they would come back, irrational yes, but I just could not rationalize when it came to them) and I have a great deal of respect for all spiders now. I can't wait to expand my collection :) and I am so happy I overcame this and can now see just how amazing spiders of all kinds really are.
I have a friend who is the same way as you. I made her sit in my room back when I had only one T and watch her lol. She doesn't freak out unless a spider is loose. I showed her a molt one time and she ran across the field. My stepmother I don't think is arachnophobic but just afraid of any kind of "creepy crawly". She regularly bleaches the kitchen floor so "maggots won't come back". (Some stuff went bad in the pantry and oops maggots) I was getting rid of a dud egg sac one night and she made me put it in my pocket and get rid of it after I left their house. {D


Old Timer
May 2, 2009
This is a great video. Thank you for sharing.

I don't think my sister's friend is that bad, but one time (probably week 2 of me having the tarantula slings..) my sister was talking to her through the webcam and I wanted to show her one of the spiders. When I got to where my siste was, her friend was covering her eyes on the monitor screen like the spider was going to kill her if she saw it over the computer. :rolleyes:


Old Timer
Sep 9, 2009
Ohh thank you for posting this.

I will have to show it to my arachnophobe hubby :D


Old Timer
Oct 4, 2005
It was very interesting. I was very proud of that mans determination to get rid of his fear and his courage in doing so.
I don't think he'll ever join our hobby but I also hope his days of pulling guns on spiders is over.