Arachnophobia(National Geographic Video)


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Alfred doesn't look like he scares easily, but his fear of spiders is out of control. Now it's time to face his worst nightmare.

[YOUTUBE]<object width="560" height="340"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="560" height="340"></embed></object>[/YOUTUBE]


Old Timer
Mar 3, 2008
I actually used to be that bad with spiders and have screamed/yelled/cursed and shot spiders. I put myself through much the same type of program at home when I lived in the mountains where I was surrounded with massive Geolycosa spp., Latrodectus spp., and Araneus spp. but never got myself past holding a jumping spider until 2yrs ago when I decided to get a C. fasciatum and then Fran sent me +/-100 L. parahybana slings - I had no choice but to let go of my inhibitions and trust holding spiders and tarantulas. I didn't do the big rubber gloves thing - I'm an all or nothing kind of guy so I insisted on my hands being bare why I started with Salticids. I've never had much of a problem with scorpions though.

The shop they go into actually looks better than any exotic shop I've ever been in over the years.

I still spazz when I walk into a web in the dark but I hate not seeing what I'm walking into.

Avicularia Man

Old Timer
Dec 17, 2009
Yes, I too was the same way. In fact, up until a few weeks ago I was like that. But then my kids (both girls) told me they wanted a Tarantula. Well when they said that, I thought to myself "this is a great chance for me to break my fear". So I started researching Tarantulas and the more I did, the more I realized just how silly my phobia was. Last week I got me kids each a Tarantula sling and myself three (bought two, got one free). When I got them, I was scared to open their vials to remove them. But once I got the first one out (G. Rosea) and held it, I quickly lost my fear. It was easier opening every other vial and hold them as well. Now I am not scared of spiders and hold my Tarantulas everyday for about 5 minutes. I am so glad I faced my fear, because for 35 years, I was missing out on an awesome creature and hobby. Well now that that fear is over, I plan on getting more once I know I can handle caring for slings without them dieing. You can see my profile to see what I have.
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Old Timer
Jul 28, 2009
I actually used to be that bad with spiders and have screamed/yelled/cursed and shot spiders.
Shot spiders? 1) How big were the spiders and 2) how far away were you?

Edit: Nevermind. Should have watched the video before posting to get the reference.
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Old Timer
Oct 21, 2004
I was there about 5 1/2 years ago. I put myself through a homemade type therapy. Even though I have a lot of t's and breed them, there are still times when the fear tries to creep back into my life. I have to talk myself out of the fear when it returns. It usually returns when a t runs unexpectedly.


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
That's freakin great! Talk about progress, At the end when he was handling the rosie w/ bare hands you could almost see the tension draining out of him. Fear level? None. It made me feel great to watch.

Now I want to go to that shop!

Travis K

Old Timer
Jan 6, 2007
I am sick.

The whole time I am thinking... I hope that Rose Hair nails him.{D


Old Timer
Apr 15, 2009
Lol, I was like 'if this guy gets nailed then he might go back on square one.'

I was hoping he didn't get bit so that he can get it over with already.


Nov 8, 2007
I used to be deathly afraid of spiders of all sorts, until my friend forced me to get a scorpion. Eventually I was able to get myself to handle it, but when it died I went looking for information about them and found out about tarantulas. It took me a little while, but I eventually got a G. rosea and by then the scorpion handling had killed my arachnophobia.


Old Timer
Mar 26, 2009
o for the love of God they are not freeken poisonous they are venomous !!!! geez
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Steve Calceatum

Old Timer
May 22, 2009
o for the love of God they are not freeken poisonous they are venomous !!!! geez
At least Wes Craven got it right.

For the most part, this was a very good video. A few things here and there, but it's the producers (as opposed to us "niche" hobbyists) that get paid the big bucks to market this crap to a dumbed-down mass-audience. Forgivable in my eyes because I can relate to this guy, though I've never shot at a spider....I've been shot at by an Avic, but I decided not to return fire.

Handling a Rosie was what got me over being afraid, but keeping a range of T's from Avic to S. cal has taken the fear right out of me, and replaced it with the deep respect and admiration these creatures deserve.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Though some of you may be truly arachnophobic, it irks me that everyone afraid of spiders under the sun claims to suffer from arachnophobia. True arachnophobia is rare. Just because you are afraid of an arachnid, and I'm not knocking you if you are, does not make it a true phobia. The disorder is thrown around too loosely IMHO.


Old Timer
Oct 9, 2008
i would love to check this video out.. can anyway give me another link or something ?

tkz in advance,



ArachnoVixen AKA Dream Crusher AKA Heartbreaker
Staff member
Sep 14, 2009
Though some of you may be truly arachnophobic, it irks me that everyone afraid of spiders under the sun claims to suffer from arachnophobia. True arachnophobia is rare. Just because you are afraid of an arachnid, and I'm not knocking you if you are, does not make it a true phobia. The disorder is thrown around too loosely IMHO.
Good point :) I don't know if I was truly arachnophobic. But I know that my whole life if I saw any kind/size of spider anywhere, I would start shaking, my heart would race, I would break out in hives if one touched me and I would always end up in tears unless someone removed it VERY quickly. I could not think straight or rationalize when a spider was near, even a picture was enough to set me off! I found one in my bed once and slept on the couch for 2 weeks in fear it would "return" lol

I finally decided enough was enough and through the help of a friend, started doing research etc Finally brought home my G. pulchripes about 4 months after starting research. However I was still terrified of her. My husband held her one night, and after a while I finally worked up the nerve to peek into the room and make sure he was still alive ;) Amazingly he was and "Charlotte" was just chilling on his hand, I decided it was now or never, put out my hand, closed my eyes (my hubby was supervising her to make sure she didnt get hurt) and bit the bullet. The first few minutes of having on her my hand, I was shaking and sweating but I quickly realized she didn't want to eat me and I opened my eyes. It was like magic, seeing this "huge" (shes only 2 1/2 inches lol but at that point she was huge to me) spider just sitting on my hand, changed everything.

Im still nervous of true spiders loose in my house, but I love my 2 T's and have no fear of them anymore. I can also proudly say I would never kill a true spider anymore (Im ashamed to admit I used to demand they be killed as I was convinced they would come back, irrational yes, but I just could not rationalize when it came to them) and I have a great deal of respect for all spiders now. I can't wait to expand my collection :) and I am so happy I overcame this and can now see just how amazing spiders of all kinds really are.