Aphonopelma Seemanni waving its legs around?


Sep 17, 2018
I’ve been pouring her water dish into the substrate when I refill it (like, the amount that would be in her dish) I’ve also changed the tunnel to a flower pot I cut in half to expose the bottom but she still seems to prefer sitting between the pot and the glass. I’m not sure if I’m still doing something wrong or if she just doesn’t want to burrow? She ate a couple crickets yesterday and my mom said she saw her doing something with her legs this morning (but my mom also doesn’t know anything about tarantulas so I can’t figure out exactly what it was) so I guess I’ll wait a few more days to see if she’ll start digging soon. She did sit in the tunnel when it was in there but I have not seen her go under the flower pot at all.
I wouldn't worry about it. Mine hasn't done a lot of digging yet but if you did the right husbandry for the spider and it has the opportunity to then it will if it wants to.

Krystal Anne

Aug 22, 2017
I think you just need to leave her be for now so she can adjust. Every time you rearrange stuff it will sort of "reset" her time to adjust. You got her less than a week ago - she'll be fine, just give her time :)

Also, I don't even use a hide for mine. He never cared for it and buried it every time :rolleyes: I took it out once he made a deep burrow. You can try making a starter burrow directly on the substrate if you want (push down a little hole in one corner). When I did that and he stumbled upon the hole, he went in and started digging. Still, as long as the substrate is moist and packed down firmly, you did your job. Just remember that adjusting can take weeks, no need to worry.