Does anybody here have experience with this species? If so please let me know anything noteworthy, such as adult female size, eating habits, activity level, growth rate, and anything else worth mentioning.
These can be quite active. Growth rate should be similar to other Aphonpelma (somewhat slow). They like it a bit cooler but definitely with a waterdish. They're also a bit on the nippy side, so be careful! They tend to advance slowly, tap and then bite.
I have one and its pretty friendly and hasn't shown any aggression to this point. I've only had her for about 8 weeks.
She's quite a burrower and very active.
I put a flat rock with the start of a burrow in her tank, and she hasn't stopped digging yet.
As Bill said, They are slow growers, as are all Aphonopelma's.
All the crickets I've tossed in the cage have been eaten so far, and I bet it will be prone to long fasts.
A very pretty speces, with a dark brown coloration with reddish hairs and smaller over all body size.
I'll try to get you a picture, if I can.
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