Just wondering what its like, im assuming they never handle them?
Any cool stories? Ever been bit?
It just amazes me that some people are brave enough to own highly venomous species of snakes. Really cool, I love snakes and i find rattlesnakes extremely beautiful.
Id love to own a rattlesnake but i would NEVER do it, I just woulnt be able to handle the stress, I already freak out when I open my B. Vagans enclosure, shes so mean!!
Any cool stories? Ever been bit?
It just amazes me that some people are brave enough to own highly venomous species of snakes. Really cool, I love snakes and i find rattlesnakes extremely beautiful.
Id love to own a rattlesnake but i would NEVER do it, I just woulnt be able to handle the stress, I already freak out when I open my B. Vagans enclosure, shes so mean!!