any tarantula for me?


Old Timer
Apr 11, 2007
Haplopelma Lividum aka cobalt blue. its got blue legs, very docile, friendly, and can be trained to do tricks. :)
well get a h.lividum if u want to be dead by the morning......just kidding...the h.lividum is by far the most friendliest and most docile tarantula in this world can you believe that this species of Ts haven't have a bite report on it??

and it loves to be handled

you also can touch it when ever you want. it is also not itchy like those new worlds and not bitey like those old worlds in short they are the most perfect Ts in the world plus they are one of the rarest Ts in the world

enjoy...i would say get a H.Lividum!:D
I wish people would stop doing this. Sarcasm does not come across on the web AT ALL. Especially when you don't even let the reader know you're joking. Some unsuspecting new reader could see this, not get the joke then run down to the pet store to buy the one they have sitting on the shelf. 4 hours later they're sitting there in the emergency room waiting to be seen for an unbelievably painful bite from the "docile tarantula who just wants to be held and cuddled". Bad scene.

I know you guys are just kidding but it's not in good form IMO. :embarrassed:


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2008
well sorry i guess.....okay if u want a starter then get a rosie....thats what i did....i got 2 rosies and straight ahead to a lividum....but ur fine with lividum as long as u dont touch it or get it irritated ......and after all im well prepared and i know what to expect form a lividum:D