You can absolutely get by with old worlds early on if you're responsible, over here in Australia everybody who owns Ts has started with an OW and most are very successful even though they pick the more skittish and defensive species like Phlogius strenuus, it's not recommended but it can be done.
From what I've heard H. macs are very reclusive and will dart for a hide or webbing rather than out of the enclosure which should make things just a little easier. This is one of the harder species to keep so if you can keep it alive And healthy you are probably responsible enough to avoid escapes and being bitten
Back to the OP, I bought a Phlogius rubiseta and a semi communal Pygmy rainforest tarantula (Unnamed Phlogius sp) online. Both should be arriving soon
Congrats on your new Ts! I firmly believe that i will be able to get by with this OW

Some Ts will chew on the styrofoam backing. My A. sp metallica never did. Something to either remove, or keep an eye on. It's a skittish but pretty species, good size too.
I'd recommend a taller container for the H. mac primarily due to their speed.
I hope it's not your first OW. Good luck.
Thank you for the reply! I did not know that styrofoam background could be a chew toy for my T! I will certainly keep an eye out, as for the moment she started a beautiful web and id hate to drag that big piece of background out. If it comes to that thiugh i think she will forgive me!
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