Any Ideas?


Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006
Ok. I'm going to ask if anyone has a good guess without a pic. I might have a pic for you tomorrow. Anyway, I purchase a T at my local cricket shop and I don't know what it is. Lets first get the easy stuff out of the way. An A. hentzi has a brown carapace and black or dark brown hair on the legs and abdomen. The abdomen also has some longer red hairs. I have three of them. An A. anax has a tan carapace and dark grey legs and abdomen. I have one of them. A B. vagans is black all over with red hairs on the abdomen and a dark carapace with a lighter outside trim. I also have one of these. And the B. albopilosum has the distinctive longer curly hair and a dark gold color to the carapace. The albop also has some red on it's rump too.

I'm certain that it is an Aphonopelma or Brachypelma. It is at the 2 1/2 inch mark in size and is very docile but will raise it's rump up in the air when annoyed. It has very dark, almost black if not black legs and abdomen. The abdomen has no long hairs at all, unlike the hentzi, vegans or albop which do. It looks very short and shiny black. The carapace is a light gold color. As before, the albop has a dark gold color but this one is quite a few shade lighter. I know this means absolutly nothing but it was sold to me as a "Mexican Velvet" which I believe is usually referring to B. vagans. That's all I have right now short of a picture.

Their is no way to be sure without sending off and exuvium to be examined but I want some ideas and opinions. Thanks for reading and thanks for replying. Your input is greatly appriciated.



Old Timer
Oct 10, 2006

Here are some pics for comparison. Based on these, I'm going to say it's an Aphonopelma. The pictures also revealed a small amount of red hairs on it's abdomen. I still don't think it's a hentzi but thats what it resembles the most but it's really lacking a lot of red hairs on it's abdomen and It doesn't have any on the legs like the other one does. Any thoughts? Thanks.

A. anax

A. hentzi

B. vagans

And the mystery T.

A. ??????????????????????????


Old Timer
Mar 8, 2006
Aphonopelma sp. "Flagstaff Orange"?

It's beautiful, whatever it is.