any good news on p. metallica


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
anyone hear any news on p. metallica? and a possble arrival here in the states?, just curious , i did ask rick west once and he said possbly this spring anyone else have any comments on this--Jeff

Steve Nunn

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by Weapon-X
anyone hear any news on p. metallica? and a possble arrival here in the states?, just curious , i did ask rick west once and he said possbly this spring anyone else have any comments on this--Jeff
Hi Jeff,
Wow, given Rick's feelings on the Poecilotheria issue, I'm surprised he said that.

I do admit though that they are one amazing spider, I just hope that captive breeding of this species is successfull, although in reality a massive number of wild caught animals would be needed to pull off any longevity of the species in captivity.



Old Timer
Oct 4, 2002
I've been hearing pretty strong rumblings that metallica will arrive here within the next few months. It's a similar situation to miranda - a few scattered specimen in private collections finally got bred from what I've heard and we'll see the slings when we see them (in other words, whenever the deals get done and the boxes get shipped).



Old Timer
Sep 27, 2002
Ah, the things you miss not going to the chats!

I remember him saying that too Jeff.. and I also remember him getting quite upset over the issue. I believe it's the same group of breeders that obtained the metallica as the miranda.



Oct 20, 2002
Theirs only 2 people in Europe with metallica & miranda, miranda was bred and hatched and now their in America, mettalica is sitting on eggsac's right now, and from what I'v been told, he wont be selling any(unless he changes his mind), I think he plans on raising most of em up, breeding those and then selling the second generation spiders(F1?), but he can always change his mind, so its not in a stable situation right now.

Steve Nunn

Old Timer
Aug 30, 2002
Originally posted by Lantang
Theirs only 2 people in Europe with metallica & miranda, miranda was bred and hatched and now their in America, mettalica is sitting on eggsac's right now, and from what I'v been told, he wont be selling any(unless he changes his mind), I think he plans on raising most of em up, breeding those and then selling the second generation spiders(F1?), but he can always change his mind, so its not in a stable situation right now.
You know, I find it absolutely amazing that a collector can go in to India, pull out several specimens, obtain a viable male, somehow breed them in ideal circumstances (with obviously NO exp. in breeding either of these species), have a viable eggsac then have that eggsac hatch. Being that this 'breeder' had success, he would have no doubt taken photos of the pair (I'd love to see a male from either of these species).

If no photo of a male ever turns up, my money is that the spiders that were collected were in fact wild bred and collected gravid. Has anyone even seen the male from either of these species?????
I already know the answer is NO, they haven't. The odds speak for themselves here and anyone who can't see that, well......

These will be captive raised spiderlings for sure (not captive bred at all) and until someone produces a photo of a mature male, regardless of this discussion, that's the way it's gonna look.

Most of you experienced people know how easy it is to wild collect a gravid female and you will also know how hard it can be to captive breed with any success (let alone breeding a species for the first time!). I know these guys in Europe know what they're doing, there's huge dollars spent on this kind of thing (way above anything in America for example), but it stands to reason that if adult females were in fact collected, then they would more than likely be gravid already. What happened to those eggsacs????? That's right, they've turned up as 'captive bred' slings.


Anyway, each to their own I guess. Believe what you will, but until that photo of even a single male turns up, I for one will never believe it.

Look at it this way, if they are in fact captive bred and a male turns up, well, being that success was had so easily, then they'll breed like wildfire and in no time we'll be inundated with them. Are they then worth the fortune that people willl be paying for them????????

It's food for thought..........
