Another egg sack after a whole year without laying?


Jun 30, 2024
So my mature female jumper Phidippus johnsoni just laid another egg sack…

About 1 year ago she laid her fifth fertile egg sack and has not laid any since then until today… almost an entire year later! Is this usual? I’m unsure at this point if the eggs are fertile but I’m guessing it’s a 50/50 chance since I’ve read they can store sperm for up to a year. Has anyone else have their female jumper do this?

The Snark

Dumpster Fire of the Gods
Old Timer
Aug 8, 2005
Outside the norm for that species. Bears observing and documenting. For Geometricus, slightly unusual.
Darwin spent most of his career attempting to find the achetype of any given species. His final determination was species survival required divergence from the achetypal norm. Strict adherence to a norm very often eventually produced an evolutionary dead end.
His Origins is well worth a good read through.
Welcome to AB. Consider keeping us up to date on how your spider is doing.
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