Announcing Preuss Pets 8th Tarantula Night!!! 10/30/2016

Elytra and Antenna

Arachnosupporter +
Sep 12, 2002
Orin McMonigle
See you there! I'll be the guy without the Hawaiian shirt.

  1. Announcing Preuss Pets 8th Tarantula Night!!!
    Do you live in the greater Lansing area? Or are you willing to travel for an arachnid related good time? Would you like a chance to show off your fuzzy little eight legged pet? Would you like a chance to show off your fuzzy little eight legged pet? Would you like to meet other people who would appreciate its wonder? Or,would you just like to see some of Lansing’s biggest, most beautiful and coolest Tarantulas?
    Stan Schultz,The Tarantula Whisperer and co-author of the Tarantula Keepers Guidebookwill be on hand to sign copies of his books, answer questions and tell some pretty awesome stories.
    You are invited to bring in your own tarantulas and there will be prizes awarded for the biggest,the most colorful,the friendliest and the most unusual Tarantulas,as well as the best decorated environment and coolest other invertebrate,as voted on by Preuss' own customers!
    There will be all sorts of games,such as the return of Preuss Phobia Phactor!
    So crawl on out of the woodworks,all of you Michigan arachnophiles,and bring your tarantulas! This is the Michigan arachno-event of the year. If you miss this one, you will be wishing for years that you hadn't.
    We here at Preuss Pets as well as Stan Schultz, would love to meet you on Sunday,October the 30th from 12:00 to 4:00 at Preuss Pets,1127 N. Cedar Street Lansing,MI 48906 (517) 339-1762
Anybody going to this?