An unpleasant surprise!


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
Well, just to add a thought or two - when someone describes the appearance of "the dreaded tibial spurs", as the OP did, I'd say they have less than mature appreciation for their animals. I admit it's not a cheerful thought knowing that your pet is reaching the end of its life - but it's a natural part of keeping animals, and if you dread it, you may not be ready to keep animals. And if you are posting to the world at large that something dreadful has happened when your tarantula turns out to be a male - then yes, you are whining.

A couple people here have tried to relate the acceptance of male maturity with the raising of tarantulas for profit. I think that's a rather bigoted view - trying to dismiss/insult people with other viewpoints by saying "they're only doing it for the money". Same mentality that insults and name-calls anyone who challenges their viewpoint.

I have a few dozen tarantulas, haven't done much breeding, and have no commercial interest in tarantulas. I've never sold one, though if I ended up producing a lot of babies I'd probably trade them off for something new. I almost always get my tarantulas as small slings and enjoy raising them and fussing over them. I recognize and accept the natural patterns of male tarantulas having shorter lives. I'm disappointed at seeing them die, but do not "dread" the natural sequence.

I do think there's a segment of the population here who, while claiming to "love" their tarantulas, actually are more devoted to "having" tarantulas. Possession rather than appreciation. They want more for their money, so they feel cheated if a tarantula turns out to be a short-lived male. Not everyone who feels the pending loss of a mature male falls in this category, but some obviously do.
Bill you are analyzing way too much. Amazing how you think you can discern exactly what a person wants, feels, and believes in from a common English language description. :rolleyes: If he wants a female, let him want a female. So the heck what. He's disappointed and never once did OP describe feeling cheated or whatever you are trying to imply. You don't make a good psychiatrist so give it up.


Old Timer
Nov 4, 2007
Hey all, haven't posted here in awhile. I was feeding my P. Murinus last night, and when it came up out of it's burrow for the cricket (hadn't seen it in a few weeks), I noticed the dreaded tibial spurs. I couldn't believe it, I was absolutely convinced that it was a female! :rolleyes:

Oh well, I guess now I will loan him out for breeding, and provide him with comfort for the remainder of his life.
** I know exactly how you feel. I just got 3 of mine molt in mature male all in one week, talk about rotten luck. What's worse is I cannot find a female for one of them
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Bill S

Old Timer
Oct 2, 2006
.... and never once did OP describe feeling cheated or whatever you are trying to imply. You don't make a good psychiatrist so give it up.
And never once did I say that the OP DID feel cheated. Time to polish your reading skills? Anyway, didn't mean to get your panties in such a bunch - just expressed my views on the topic.


Old Timer
Jan 17, 2009
I have been looking for a MM P. murinus for a while now no one seems to care or take me serious I guess:wall: At least I highly doubt they are that hard to come by but I have bought 6 SA and none of them turned out to be a male I was hoping for at least one as I have three ready to breed adult females. So If you would like to loan him I do have breeding experience with this species and with the number of females I have he will be in heaven besides I have to have somewhere to put all those little OBT's so a loan would be great for us both. If all fails I would still make sure you get something for him another T perhaps.


Old Timer
Jun 8, 2006
And never once did I say that the OP DID feel cheated. Time to polish your reading skills? Anyway, didn't mean to get your panties in such a bunch - just expressed my views on the topic.
Expressing your views on the topic is fine. Doing it by way of insults is not. It is not reasonable to say someone is whining if they are disappointed it hooked out and of course that is all they expressed. OP merely stated he was disappointed yet a whole rant came from you about people who want Ts for money and aren't mature enough to own animals and whatever. My reading is just fine. "Feeling cheated" is my phrase that perfectly describes what you have been trying to imply and which you even used. Didn't know I had to be an abuser of the quote function to get my point across. OP is someone that obviously loves the Ts he keeps but it seems you are more concerned with the people that want to make money off them, one of those people OP is not, and then it appears you lump OP into that generalization which is why I was irritated with you. Of course people could be upset when they know their T is on the way out. If your 16 year old dog was on its way out of course you would be upset too even though you know it's a natural process. No human being on this earth is impervious to the grief caused by death of an animal or person they care for. So you see, grieving or being disappointed over an impending death and equating that with immaturity is unreasonable. Sorry if I was harsh earlier.
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Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
I wish all my T's were female.. so I could have them longer! But I don't mind males. I'm just sad that I have two males that are nearly ready to die (One G. Rosea MM that I rescued and 1 B. Emilia). Sadly, my roomate's B. Emilia is not mature yet and my other rosie could be either M or F.. and it isn't mature yet either. Both will probably pass before they've had a chance to live on through their slings. On the bright side, my roomate has a A. Metallica male that should fairly soon (within the year probably) mature, and I recently bought a VERY loving Mature A. Metallica female! I can't wait to breed them, but I would be very sad if ANY of mine or my roomate's Ts died.. I spend a lot of time with them all and have gotten to know their many diferent personalities. I must admit, however, that I am not one who wishes to raise them as slings to adulthood. I would much rather get them very young still, but at least 1.5" or so. (Just don't find it very fun or interesting.. and I worry too much over them)


Nov 17, 2009
Ha! DIfferences in opinions and statement over anaylizing hurts my head. Hope you can find a female for your guy to love . if not , you still got some time left to enjoy it. and jallen seems to have given you a nice alternative. good luck!


Old Timer
Sep 22, 2008
** I know exactly how you feel. I just got 3 of mine molt in mature male all in one week, talk about rotten luck. What's worse is I cannot find a female for one of them
I feel the same sometimes, because I won't have them as long and I feel bad if they can't find a mate. I do understand we all can't have females as that's just how it goes, but I hate to see my pets die, dogs cats, fish, rats, and tarantulas, I just have a soft heart but I guess it would be 10 times worse having a female die after 10-15 yrs of having her. No one wants to know that their loved ones don't have a lot of time left but that's part of learning, the only reason I would want slings from my male is to continue learning about that species and to get to be a better keeper. I wouldn't care about making money. I just find them facinating