An unabashed recommendation

Stan Schultz

Old Timer
Jul 16, 2004
Canadian forums mostly contain LF posts and WTB posts from within Canada ...
First off, what's an "LF" or a "WTB?" (Having trouble keeping up with the jargon.)

... since we cant ship across the border...and the classifieds in the USA are useless to us...
Yes, Canadians can get things from across the border. It's actually quite easy. We wrote a series of 3 articles describing it and a bunch of other tarantula business related things that was subsequently published in the ATS Forum Magazine sometime ago.

And, Americans can get things from us fairly easily as well. All that is required is a set of permits, and the only troublesome issue is their expense. Unless you're shipping a bunch of tarantulas it's really not worth it. And, that's where the dealers have an advantage over the casual enthusiast, and the reason why we generally buy and sell through them rather than import or export ourselves.


Old Timer
Sep 19, 2007
If you look at the groups, there's a european group as well as the canadian group and the watering hole. So anyone could apply to join the canadian or european group. I don't know what board policy is as to who gets accepted, I would suspect that only those with locations in those areas would be. However, if you could make an argument (for example if you were near the border and wanted to attend activities in that country, or if you were a dealer who could legally import) an exception could be made?


He Who Rules
Staff member
Jul 16, 2002
Hi Stan and all,

Arachnoboards is in general, a US based discussion forum. When the membership numbers warranted it, we created geographic specific forums for users from those geographically specific locations to discuss things pertaining to those in that geographic demographic. (I love a good run on sentence ;) ) re: care in localized climates, pending legislation, local classifieds, etc. In other words, things that have no bearing on US keepers. Anyone wishing to do business with US based members is free to post in the standard classifieds forum. Most users however do not have import/export permits, so in the interest of not promoting brown bagging we created areas where dealers could advertise to those in their own area without having to constantly reply to members that they cannot ship outside of their country. (Yep, I really do love a good run on sentence ;) )

BTW, only those living in those geographic locations will have access to those forums. If you are a US dealer and can legally export to those locations, just put it in your ad in the standard classifieds. Believe me, people from other locations look at the regular classifieds too.

Hope that helps explain it.


Anthony Straus

Old Timer
Jul 11, 2008
Yes, Canadians can get things from across the border. It's actually quite easy. We wrote a series of 3 articles describing it and a bunch of other tarantula business related things that was subsequently published in the ATS Forum Magazine sometime ago.

And, Americans can get things from us fairly easily as well. All that is required is a set of permits, and the only troublesome issue is their expense. Unless you're shipping a bunch of tarantulas it's really not worth it. And, that's where the dealers have an advantage over the casual enthusiast, and the reason why we generally buy and sell through them rather than import or export ourselves.
Despite my terrible choice of wording I was intending to refer more to the fact that it's impractical for a casual hobbyist to buy across the border...It was not my intention to make it sound like an impossibility.