Alligator explodes Burmese


Old Timer
Nov 27, 2004
Tim Benzedrine said:
I once kept a garter snake that I often fed goldfish. Well, a friend had an aquarium and he had some kind of catfish with stripes, long whiskers, and a hi-rise dorsal fin. It was eating his other fish, and since I also had a tank, he gave it to me. I was pleased to get such an attractive fish, but shortly after introducing it, noticed it was killing my fish also. I hated to do it, but the catfish had to go and I knew nobody to pass it on to. So, I figured it was better to feed it to my garter snake rather than kill it, or worse, flush it.

The garter eagerly consumed it, even thouogh it was a rather large meal in comparison to a gold fish. Of course, the snake took the fish head-first allowing the high dorsal fin to lay down. But much to my surprise, when I looked in later, somehow that fish had managed to erect that fin, puncturing thru the snake and emerging from it's exterior! :eek:

I figgered that snake was certainly a goner, but, the wound closed around the piece of prtruding spine, and eventually the wound healed around the spine, which then dropped off. I never would have believed it had I not saw it with my own eyes.

This probably doesn't have much bearing on the subject, but the thread reminded me of it, and I thought it made for an interesting anecdote!

They might be able to make an X-files episode from that story... :p