AIDS/HIV/TICS- Big Bend Trip

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
Im planning a trip to the Davis Mountains, Glass Mountains, and Big Bend for the weekend of the 17th in August. Ill be looking for scorps, Aphonopelmas, Crotes, Gray Bands, and specifically Scolopendra heros heros. If anyone would like to join me, your more than welcome. Im thinking about camping, but would get a room if anyone wants to split. Also, I can cover fuel for the trip if whoever comes would just pitch in on food. Where we meet up depends on who wants to go.

Here is a map of Brewster County, and also a nice website on the Davis Mountains. Mountains/davis01.html


Oh, and for those wondering:

AIDS: Austin Invert Discoverers Society

HIV: Houston Invert Venturers

TICS: Texas Invert Collectors Society

Until we decide on a name, Im calling us all three. {D


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
Im planning a trip to the Davis Mountains, Glass Mountains, and Big Bend for the weekend of the 17th in August. Ill be looking for scorps, Aphonopelmas, Crotes, Gray Bands, and specifically Scolopendra heros heros. If anyone would like to join me, your more than welcome. Im thinking about camping, but would get a room if anyone wants to split. Also, I can cover fuel for the trip if whoever comes would just pitch in on food. Where we meet up depends on who wants to go.

Here is a map of Brewster County, and also a nice website on the Davis Mountains. Mountains/davis01.html


Oh, and for those wondering:

AIDS: Austin Invert Discoverers Society

HIV: Houston Invert Venturers

TICS: Texas Invert Collectors Society

Until we decide on a name, Im calling us all three. {D
I absoultly refuse to go by either AIDS or HIV NOT gonna happen !!! lol


Old Timer
Jul 22, 2004
I hate to be the one that spoils everyones dreams, BUT Texas just past a new law, HB 12, making hunting collecting on the roads and roadsides ILLEGAL (both reptiles & inverts).

Here is a quote from the Houston Chronicle article on the new laws:

"A provision of HB 12 will prohibit this practice [hunting on public roads] by making it illegal to hunt "a wild animal or bird when the person is on a public road or right-of-way.""

Check out some of the fourms (Laws & Grey Banded Kingsnakes) on for more info... This is devestating- It has single handedly DESTROYED snake & invert hunting in Texas. IT IS BEING ENFORCED OUT WEST...

Be careful y'all.

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
We are all well aware of the law. There will be no collecting on this trip. I have access to a large amount of private land in Brewster County, so much of the trip will be spent out there.

I know the law is the law, but I wont let it keep me from seeing my favorite animals in the wild. If it means we have to stick to private land, then no big deal. Thats probably safer anyway.


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
(just wondering if there was any inspiration from SCABIES?)

I know that I have NO say in the matter, since I'm in Southern California.......but I absolutely love all three names!

I have a very dark sense of AIDS and HIV are both hilarious.

I like AIDS better, because it is more pronounceable as a word, and it sounds plural (even though the S usually stands for "syndrome")

We are SCABIES (Southern California Arachnid But Invertebrate Entomological Society)

It just worked out really conveniently for us. Keep thinking! You can get some real creative names!

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
How is the fight against the law going? Any progress?

It was laughed out of the senate, then attatched to anther bill that really did need to get passed. Im not sure how the fight is right now, but honestly Im about 50/50 on the bill.

Alot of rattlesnakes for the roundups are collected on the roads, so its a plus that they cant do that anymore. But it does suck that it stops the people who are responsible, and actually like the animals.

Ill see if I can find out more info.


Old Timer
Jan 23, 2006
I hate to be the one that spoils everyones dreams, BUT Texas just past a new law, HB 12, making hunting collecting on the roads and roadsides ILLEGAL (both reptiles & inverts).

Here is a quote from the Houston Chronicle article on the new laws:

"A provision of HB 12 will prohibit this practice [hunting on public roads] by making it illegal to hunt "a wild animal or bird when the person is on a public road or right-of-way.""

Check out some of the fourms (Laws & Grey Banded Kingsnakes) on for more info... This is devestating- It has single handedly DESTROYED snake & invert hunting in Texas. IT IS BEING ENFORCED OUT WEST...

Be careful y'all.
yeah thats really sort of a odd wording on that . The odd ting is hunting generally involves killing, si i suppose if you ran over a rattler in your truck you are guilty of violating that bill lol. Also, since they didnt explicitly state inverts, and inverts were not included as animals(who says lawmakers have to have brains) in previous rulings, its going to be hard to enforce. Sure they can write you a ticket, sure they can fine you but if you fought it properly i dont see how it stands a chance in a court. Especially if you get a good constitutional lawyer. I would almost bet that tagging a bill that was defeated as a stand alone onto another otherwise good bill is illegal in and of itself. Which would make the entire bill illegal thus unenforcable. But i dont have the funds to fight it, so... I am just taking pictures lol
Darn how did that thign get in my camera bag ... little stowaway

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
(just wondering if there was any inspiration from SCABIES?)

I know that I have NO say in the matter, since I'm in Southern California.......but I absolutely love all three names!

I have a very dark sense of AIDS and HIV are both hilarious.

I like AIDS better, because it is more pronounceable as a word, and it sounds plural (even though the S usually stands for "syndrome")

We are SCABIES (Southern California Arachnid But Invertebrate Entomological Society)

It just worked out really conveniently for us. Keep thinking! You can get some real creative names!
There was definitely inspiration from SCABIES. Id also like to get some T-Shirts made, so a dark name like that would be funny. (At least to us.)

Im working on a better name, but its hard, and no one is helping, lol.


Old Timer
Dec 16, 2005
I'd be interested in going. But I'd need a little help from some of the older members here.

Couldn't we just venture off the road if we wanted to collect something? I know if I go, I'd want to collect some C. vittatus from out that way.

I helped! I linked you to the disease site...and came up with discoverers. So :p I like TICS word choice better aside from the "collectors" part.

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
If everyone agrees on Gils new name, Ill see about us getting T-Shirts. We will have the SCABIES guys whooped for a cool name. We can talk about a design in private. Lets keep this secret until we can post pics of us in the shirts. {D

Gil, that was a stroke of pure genius!


Old Timer
Jun 12, 2004
TICS: Texas Invert Collecting kultured Society


herpies: huston entomological recreational preditory invert. environment society

the e's can be switched.

course you guys have armadillos down there and they carry leporsy. so that could be fun too.

could have a lotta fun with t- shirts
Last edited:


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
I hate to be the one that spoils everyones dreams, BUT Texas just past a new law, HB 12, making hunting collecting on the roads and roadsides ILLEGAL (both reptiles & inverts).

Here is a quote from the Houston Chronicle article on the new laws:

"A provision of HB 12 will prohibit this practice [hunting on public roads] by making it illegal to hunt "a wild animal or bird when the person is on a public road or right-of-way.""

Check out some of the fourms (Laws & Grey Banded Kingsnakes) on for more info... This is devestating- It has single handedly DESTROYED snake & invert hunting in Texas. IT IS BEING ENFORCED OUT WEST...

Be careful y'all.
i would definitely read all of the laws in concern

in CA inverts are NOT defined as animals, so there you go. what exactly the somewhat dim state of CA things they are, i am not sure. but any laws using the word animal will either define "animal" at some point or depend on a previous definition... you just need to find that definition. i would also check out how they define hunting, as drach said.


Old Timer
Jan 5, 2005
texas invertebrate/tarantula society

should really drive up your male membership.

... not that that was every really in doubt in this hobby.

Texas Blonde

Old Timer
Dec 2, 2003
OK guys, these are going to have to be the set dates. I got the time off from work on that weekend for sure. I could maybe move it back one weekend, but that would be tops.

Also, I really need to know if anyone is going from the Central Texas area, as one of our "members" would need a ride from Houston. Unfortunately, hes too young to drive, and Sam Houston knows we dont want him driving anyway!