Thanks man, I love these little guys.Nice one Advan ;-)
Thanks man. That is a good question, I hadn't done a count in a while. I believe I have 79 including a few males and P. subfusca in the closet(cooler temps) and hovering around 43 species. Don't quote me on it though.Wow, nice collection. How many individual Ts and how many species do you have?
Really great shotsAvicularia diversipes
From left to right. Psalmopoeus cambridgei, Poecilotheria pederseni, Psalmopoeus pulcher and Avicularia avicularia. All the ladies in the ten gallons are 6.5"+ except the A. avicularia. I put her in there right when I got her and haven't had the heart to move her. The only one that really uses all of the enclosure is the P. pederseni. Though all of them would be better suited for 5.5 gallon tanks, they are more expensive and a little tougher to find.You have a few 10 gal there, which species do you keep in those? I've got 2 10 gal tanks with a P. regalis and P. cambridgei but I think I'm going to scale those down. They take up so much room on my racks and I think they'll be fine with smaller enclosures....
Thanks man!Really great shots![]()
Thanks Nick, I hate to dissapoint but I haven't been tagged as of yet.Hey man, these are sick pics! I was was wondering what's the worst time you've been tagged by a T? And what T was it?
I wouldn't consider any aggressive, none have ever come after me. Only a few are defensive when I'm trying to coax them where they don't want to go.Trust me, I'm not disappointed! This also shows that although you own aggressive and calm T's, you respect them and have been very carful and not reckless. If you own aggressive T's that doesn't mean you've been bit, and I respect you for that. Anyways, nice pic of the irmana!
Thank you! Here are some more......My gosh advan I just scrolled through 17 pages of gorgeous pictures...You have a very very very very beautiful collection. :love:
Thanks! That makes two of us.Love your collection!!!![]()