yeah,I'd like to see that as well.Cool video! I request a Haplo and handling vid next!
*Scorpion stings.Technically I guess the guy was sucking out the venom which is what people do with snake bites ot scorpion bites.
I completely disagree with you. If anything, this guy is helping the hobby, by keeping a cool head when he was bitten, and not completely freaking out. He managed to prove to the public that tarantula bites are manageable, and not 100% fatal, as much of our arachnologically-challenged population believes.When the public sees behavior like this it shines a bad light on all of us.
Its adds proof to some peoples minds, and can lead to more laws being passed.:wall:
I can tell you from being in the reptile community for 40 yrs this guy is doing no favors to Tarantula keepers, Im surprised this guy has not been banned from the boards.
Soo first video he was bitten on his finger.. The Second one he was bitten on his hand... ??
Hello!Vid #1 he's bit on this right index finger.
Vid #2 he's bit on the left hand.
Anyone other than Kris notice this?
Maybe with some, but others would probably think that for misinformed or ignorant reasons it would be a good idea to defang.I completely disagree with you. If anything, this guy is helping the hobby, by keeping a cool head when he was bitten, and not completely freaking out. He managed to prove to the public that tarantula bites are manageable, and not 100% fatal, as much of our arachnologically-challenged population believes.
I got that exact same thought. It's highly irresponsible telling inexperienced hobbyists or complete noobs made-up "facts." He sounded like he ACTUALLY believed what he was saying was the worst part! He's no better than a lot of the LPS clerks.The saddest part of the video (for me) were the keeper's misconceptions. Some of his "facts" sounded like they were just pulled out of thin air.
I bet you didn't even know that Ts at that size drink through there feet.Thanks for the info ( and taking my post literally) The point of my post was that he had a bug......sorry arachnid, on his finger then he put it in his mouth. Its still gross.
Later, Tom
Ah, I saw that one already. I wanted a video from our OBT trainer.P.S. Here is a S.Cal handling video...hey you asked for it.