A. seemani "Blue form"


Old Timer
Jul 17, 2005
nice pics - and real flattering ;). is that intense blue due to the flashlight? i've never seen them look so blue irl.
Yes & No I had flash on during all three shots, but The first two pics were taken farther away having less "false" effects.

how many color forms of seemani exist?would be interestin to know more about the different varietys if there are any.also i wonder if these are mixed up in breeding aswell?
There's a dull brown looking A. seemanni, and then theres a black A. seemanni, and then the black with blue from leg 2 forward. Chances are that some people have crossed colors.

:drool: WOW that blue seemani is stunning! I had no idea they could develop such color. Beautiful!:clap:

Wow! That's sooo blue. Mines not that strikingly blue.
Best of health to your pets. :)
The first two pics are most like what the T really looked like. The third pic is one of those freak incidents where the flash photography along with a very fresh molt allowed for a very luminescent almost electric appearance.

This T has carried the blue for a long time almost never fading. It molted June 8th, 2006. I will try and get photos over the weekend to show what it looks like now.