A question for all my fellow female Arachnofanatics.


Old Timer
Mar 20, 2003
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
Well I guess we all have to start getting addicted to arachnids in some way. I myself have 4 T's. I'm also waiting to get 4 more from Swift Inverts tomorrow. I can't wait.

And sure you can be Storm. ~_^ Check out my new avatar too! ^_^
first of all where did you find the avatar? I couldnt find one that was just right but I couldnt leave it blank either??

In my animal lore book the spider totem is said to bring creativity and help maintain balance....so if you have a shaministic background look at all the good around you in the form of big hairy spiders ;)


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by LunarFaery
first of all where did you find the avatar? I couldnt find one that was just right but I couldnt leave it blank either??

In my animal lore book the spider totem is said to bring creativity and help maintain balance....so if you have a shaministic background look at all the good around you in the form of big hairy spiders ;)
All I did was take a photo off the web and resize it to the acceptable Avatar dimensions of 100 x 100 Pixels usnig the Microsoft Paint program. It's really easy to do once you get the hang of it.

After what happened today I'm really going to need alot of balance. I knew I should not have said anything about a cat not knocking down a Tarantula enclosure. This morning I awoke to a nice crashing sound. To my horror my cat knocked my Cobalt's tank right down. Needless to say he's getting solitary confinement at night when I go to sleep.


Priestess of Pulchra-tude
Old Timer
Oct 12, 2002
Yes, people think it's odd, but they seem to find it interesting, too. It makes a nice ice-breaker at parties! People I already know get mileage out of it, too; I'm always getting dragged over to be introduced to someone with the words, "Guess what SHE does?" or "You wouldn't want to visit HER house."

Just last weekend I went to a party and was talking to this woman I'd just met. She confided to me that she'd heard one of the guests that evening was a woman who raised spiders and scorpions. She was very surprised to learn that woman was me. Wonder what she expected!



Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Joy
Yes, people think it's odd, but they seem to find it interesting, too. It makes a nice ice-breaker at parties! People I already know get mileage out of it, too; I'm always getting dragged over to be introduced to someone with the words, "Guess what SHE does?" or "You wouldn't want to visit HER house."

Just last weekend I went to a party and was talking to this woman I'd just met. She confided to me that she'd heard one of the guests that evening was a woman who raised spiders and scorpions. She was very surprised to learn that woman was me. Wonder what she expected!

That's hilarious! When I bought my Pinktoe I forgot I needed to go shopping at Wal-Mart so my tarantula went with me. Needless to say the girl behind the service desk went to college and studied Entomology of all things. So my Pinktoe was in good hands while I shopped.


Old Timer
Mar 10, 2003
It really depends on the person and the situation. My mother is terrified to come visit because of my collection. She can't see why anyone would ever want a pet spider. I told her when they are that big and fuzzy, they aren't like spiders at all; just pets that live in aqariums. Most females I talk to are shocked to find out I own T's, but a few of them have told me, and I quote, "Well, with the tattoos and the purple hair, I guess it's normal." (From my mother, no less.) I get more guys that are shocked by my obbsession. A friend of mine today asked who I was and where the aliens had taken the "real me" when I told him about my shipment from Swift. (A Chaco Golden Knee, a Curlyhair, a Pink Zeebra Beuaty for free, and a *sniffle* DOA Smithy.) In fact, when I bought my G. Rosea in a pet store, the girl working there was most helpful about getting her out of the tank and all, but a male customer flipped out! He was on his cell phone and had to tell whoever he was talking to all about the "strange girl in the pet store buying a big, hairy spider for a PET!!" :rolleyes:

Some people...;P


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
I have people in my apartment complex who think I've lost my sanity because I own tarantulas. I think I'm kind of like a Black Sheep in the world of Cat owners in this complex. Either that or they think I'm a freak.
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Old Timer
Aug 13, 2002
For the longest time...I was scared to death of spiders. Then, last year, at a reptile expo, I saw a gorgeous, adult female King Baboon, on display. She literally filled one of those take out deli dishes..(plate sized)

After that, it snowballed...I think, that everyone doesn't find it unusual for me to have spiders. As a kid, I was always bringing home injured animals. So, for me to have 3 snakes, over 30 t's, a scorp and millies..doesn't shock them.

As for otherwise "shocking" those that know me, they may have gone past that long time ago. What with 4 tatts on my arms, and at one time, just about everything pierced that can be pierced..:D

I did however, have to stop wearing my tarantula belt buckle at work. Everyone was freaked out...:(


Old Timer
Dec 11, 2002
indigoeyes, I had a very similar experience at a pet shop. The guy who took care of most of the exotics wouldn't even get the G. Rosea I wanted out of her cage. He also didn't understand why I wanted a certain one on the top row of cages rather than a much smaller one on the bottom. I had to climb a stepladder and get the rosie out of the cage myself, much to his amazement. Why did the guy you were referring to have such a hard time with you buying a rosie for a pet? You were in a pet shop after all....


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
I just can't understand that this person is in the buisness to sell pets, including exotics but they can't even bother to handle them.


Old Timer
Sep 18, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
I I used to pick up big black ants and throw them onto the webs, watching as they were encased in spidersilk, futilely wriggling to escape. I like to call it pre-conditioning for taking care of my future pets.
Or your future husbands.


Old Timer
Jul 19, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
That's hilarious! When I bought my Pinktoe I forgot I needed to go shopping at Wal-Mart so my tarantula went with me. Needless to say the girl behind the service desk went to college and studied Entomology of all things. So my Pinktoe was in good hands while I shopped.

Heh, I actually work at Wal Mart and occasionally bring in a spider to show people. I've gotten a customer to hold one once (Although, IF it were to bite, it would probably suck, so I don't think I'd ever do that again, even if t was a G. Rosea)

I've brought:
Cyclosternum fasciatum (sling)
Grammastola Rosea (Juve)
Poecilotheria regalis (Not sure if it's mature or not. Never let this one out of it's cage for obvious reasons)
Pterinochilus murinus (Usambara, never let this one out, either.)
Avicularia Avicularia

It's not the smartest thing in the world to do, but I figure if I can educate SOME people, they won't be as shunned and I won't be as much of a freak.


ArachnoJester of the Ancient Ones
Jul 24, 2002
To all you ladies,

I dislike wimpy women too. I'd much prefer one to have a hobby such as ours then collecting little ceramic cows or something or something equally useless.

Hmm...though I suppose my rock collection is also quite useless.



Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Valael
Heh, I actually work at Wal Mart and occasionally bring in a spider to show people. I've gotten a customer to hold one once (Although, IF it were to bite, it would probably suck, so I don't think I'd ever do that again, even if t was a G. Rosea)

I've brought:
Cyclosternum fasciatum (sling)
Grammastola Rosea (Juve)
Poecilotheria regalis (Not sure if it's mature or not. Never let this one out of it's cage for obvious reasons)
Pterinochilus murinus (Usambara, never let this one out, either.)
Avicularia Avicularia

It's not the smartest thing in the world to do, but I figure if I can educate SOME people, they won't be as shunned and I won't be as much of a freak.
I pick up Gypsy, my Pink Zebra Beauty, on a regular basis now. I was showing her off to my sisters today who were safely in the doorway to my bedroom where I store my spiders. I also told them about my tale of Luci rearing up in a threat posture. My younger sisdter just backed away from me and Luci's pet pal like we (Meaning me and the spider.) were both crazed lunatics.


Old Timer
Mar 14, 2003
Originally posted by Kugellager
To all you ladies,

I dislike wimpy women too. I'd much prefer one to have a hobby such as ours then collecting little ceramic cows or something or something equally useless.

Hmm...though I suppose my rock collection is also quite useless.

I'm into collecting dragon figures. (God forbid I ever have a ceramic cow in that collection too.)


Old Timer
Jul 20, 2002
Originally posted by Godzilla2000
I myself have always loved spiders. They never scared me at all. I'd routinely pick one up that had become trapped inside the house and set it loose out into the wild. What was always a delight for me as a kid were the huge spiderwebs that garden spiders would build. Call me sadistic but I used to pick up big black ants and throw them onto the webs, watching as they were encased in spidersilk, futilely wriggling to escape. I like to call it pre-conditioning for taking care of my future pets.

I do the exact same thing...:eek: