A mere ”hobby”?


Old Timer
Jul 4, 2005
I feel you are not giving people, in general, enough credit. It may only be that they don't relate to your passion or that they don't agree, not that they don't understand what you're saying.


Dec 4, 2011
What a cold welcome.

You all still aren't understanding the things I say, and I feel have explained pretty well. It must be the speaker's fault if they aren't understood? That's ridiculous...interpretation depends on intellect, biases, sensitivities, etc. I have projected attributes to a millipede? Actually you all have done that more than I. I simply said that I don't feel their limits are fully known and that I keep an open mind, not that they are MUCH MORE than they seem. As far as the insinuation that I am trying to get you all to say a specific thing...what would that thing be exactly? I don't need strangers on the internet to stroke an ”ego” or whatever you are thinking. I have been asked questions and I have responded, THAT'S ALL. Now who is the one assigning attributes? Regarding another assumption: If I had been referring to Gala I would have said so. I would certainly HOPE that no one here is doing a puppy mill-esque thing. I only used that as a generic example of something I would definitely be against. Also, saying that criticism against people more experienced would be out of line is ridiculous. Anyone can be in the wrong at any stage in life...and more experienced doesn't always mean better. But...that wasnt what was saying. You guys make a lot of assumptions over the tiniest of things. How about just taking my words for what they are? Posting my quotes then saying someone didn't say such and such is once again, ridiculous. If I said Gala seems to feel a certain way about millipedes, read his past comments before claiming that I'm incorrect or delusional. My integrity and knowledge of science shouldn't be shot down just because I am discussing ”millipedes”. Thanks if you haven't meant harm, but I am not here in search of additional life stress. I was simply surprised that it was referred to as a hobby and I thought many of you would be against the term but you aren't..fine...as long as the welfare of the animals is not in question, I really don't care. I guess I should have said in the first post: I am referring to the emotionally-restrictive sounding term (compared to ”pet”), I am not against one having them as a hobby but I don't feel it should have to only be characterized as a hobby for me per se/individuals. I never said that I was against non-pet care but I guess some of you assumed that (?) and that is where all of these attacks are coming from. I feel doing things with love/heart (which doesn't have to mean touching...but thanks for the ridiculing exaggerations) is best, but not the only decent way.

I initially admired the insight on this website. I thought that I would meet compassionate, open-minded people (seeing as how you are caring for bugs and such, not the more common pets), but sifting through my comments for the purposes of analysis and ridicule is all some of you care to do. Disappointing. Disgusting. I shouldnt be ganged up on just because you don't see what is in my mind. And saying that you don't mean harm at the end doesn't magically change the fact that clearly you didn't care much.
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Creeping beneath you
Old Timer
Oct 20, 2008
You apparently have much to learn about assumptions, millipedes, self-delusion, reading comprehension, clarity and playing well with others, among other things.

You're all over the place with "what you're trying to say" and I'm not even sure that you understand. Nobody attacked you Mr. Temperamental so if you want anybody around here to take you seriously try dialing back the vitriol a bit.


Dec 4, 2011
Christ, I was never saying that we can't know the basics about how something lives based on observation/studies. I was talking about whatever version of internal thought process it has such as *possibly* being able to realize/recognize after a while that its owner's hand doesn't mean ”danger”...to be clear: not it analyzing works from Poe or falling in love. And I never said love must entail touching. I also never said one must love.


Dec 4, 2011
Playing well with others means not clarifying what I mean/putting it in other terms (as you call it ”all over the place”) when someone isn't grasping, and taking rude exaggerations with a smile? We are not 5 and life is not a game. You don't know me to say what I ”have to learn” and I'm not worried about people on some bug website ”taking me seriously”. I can safely say that I have dealt with bigger, more traumatic things than most people here...and made it through with poise and decency. Its people like you who have something to learn: respect, ”among other things”. I tend to treat people in a very decent manner and I don't like when it isn't returned. News flash, that's not psycho. You claim to have not attacked me in SAME post in which you do attack me. Yet I am the one who has lots to learn. A kind heart is more important than any little ”much to learn” crap you can come up with. Just keep your trash talking to yourself.


Old Timer
Mar 13, 2009
It seems like a benign question, started by Voni, has really spiraled out of where it ought to have run. I think, personally, everything that needs to be said has been, and is in all of the above posts for people interested enough to read closely (at this point I can't imagine why anyone would be following this, truthfully). Hopefully one small disagreement/miscommunication/whatever this has become, will not be enough to keep you, Voni, from using these boards. They are a fantastic source of information and, perhaps for less personal issues (or at least less so than this one has become), can be a great way to interact with keepers/hobbyists/people with valuable experience.
