a little help please


Jan 16, 2010
Hey everyone so i went to my local pet store today and what do ya know they had a a avic. after requesting to look at it the owner came over and said these exact words. " that thing bit one of my employees i want it gone. ether you take it for 5 bucks or its going down the drane... so needless to say i have a a avic now lol.

ok a little help now. he gave it to me in a kritter keeper. teh smallest one they had. it has a leg spand of prob 2 inches. would a 2.5 be ok for it or is that still too big?

and another question. at petco they have peices of wood. rather wide peices that would cover a majority of the back of the 2.5 could i just hot glue it onto the back or is that not reccomended?


Old Timer
Apr 19, 2008
Hey everyone so i went to my local pet store today and what do ya know they had a a avic. after requesting to look at it the owner came over and said these exact words. " that thing bit one of my employees i want it gone. ether you take it for 5 bucks or its going down the drane... so needless to say i have a a avic now lol.

ok a little help now. he gave it to me in a kritter keeper. teh smallest one they had. it has a leg spand of prob 2 inches. would a 2.5 be ok for it or is that still too big?

and another question. at petco they have peices of wood. rather wide peices that would cover a majority of the back of the 2.5 could i just hot glue it onto the back or is that not reccomended?
Congratulations on a sweet deal! We want pictures!

I wouldn't hotglue anything in that enclosure... It would only make rehousing a pain. The spider would use the space behind the wood as a hide, but it would be really hard to get it out of there. I'd just use a fake or real plant. Avics really like to web :)


Jan 16, 2010
alright sounds good, i do have a large peice of wood to go in there she should be able to web it up nicely lol. ok now big question. she is currently in the kritter keeper. i know its not holding humidity as it is. can i throw in some eco earth and just sit it flat for the time being? i know she wont be able to climb as much but untill monday when i can get the plexiglass needed to make the front for the tank she is kinda stuck there. would that work throw eco earth into the kritter keeper to help retain humidity until i can move her in to the tank?


Old Timer
Dec 9, 2008
what a despicable person:embarrassed: i'm sure the bite was unprovoked and completely unwarranted:rolleyes::mad:

at least you have a pretty T... show some pics if you get a chance:)

edit: you should tactfully suggest that they no longer carry Ts since it's obvious they do not care for them properly (call me a pessimist but i doubt this owner would be receptive to any education on the matter)


Old Timer
Dec 15, 2009
What a great deal you got!! I think she will be fine in there until Monday like it is. Just keep it misted. They go through much worse when they are shipped and the majority come out just fine. Enjoy the new T and the rehousing. I LOVE making arboreal setups.


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
Hey everyone so i went to my local pet store today and what do ya know they had a a avic. after requesting to look at it the owner came over and said these exact words. " that thing bit one of my employees i want it gone. ether you take it for 5 bucks or its going down the drane... so needless to say i have a a avic now lol.

ok a little help now. he gave it to me in a kritter keeper. teh smallest one they had. it has a leg spand of prob 2 inches. would a 2.5 be ok for it or is that still too big?

and another question. at petco they have peices of wood. rather wide peices that would cover a majority of the back of the 2.5 could i just hot glue it onto the back or is that not reccomended?
i have an avic in a 2.5 gal tank on its end. i used the robc foam backdrop method to create the background and put long piece of cork upright in the tank for him to web on. I glued a bottle cap for water on the back but he webbed over it so i just put a little water on his webbing. I need to clean the tank but i hate to bother him, he seems content.



Jan 16, 2010
Hey everyone, thanks for the responses! sorry my post was so short. it was about 4 in the morning and i was tired and just wanted to try and post something to get some questions answered lol. i am keeping the kritter keeper misted and hopefully i can get the T into its 2.5 tomorrow. i was going to use robc's foam backdrop meathod but cant find the stuff i need and would much prefer to just get it looking good and get it in there insted of being in the kritter keeper.

i will put in a few peices of wood for anchoring points for webbing, but i dont belive i will put up a backdrop.

so a few more questions. with the plexiglass what meathod do use to drill it? just go slow or what? I want to drill it tomorrow and am curious how to go about doing it.

also. with the plexiglass it will be hinged what hinges do you normaly use guys? just the little inch long ones or a little bigger ones, that are like a inch and a half or something like that. and tips for putting on hinges?

and last but not least! attaching the plexiglass to the tank... do you just hot glue the bottom to teh tank or what?

thanks everyone!!

Brian B


Old Timer
Sep 14, 2008
Hey everyone, thanks for the responses! sorry my post was so short. it was about 4 in the morning and i was tired and just wanted to try and post something to get some questions answered lol. i am keeping the kritter keeper misted and hopefully i can get the T into its 2.5 tomorrow. i was going to use robc's foam backdrop meathod but cant find the stuff i need and would much prefer to just get it looking good and get it in there insted of being in the kritter keeper.

i will put in a few peices of wood for anchoring points for webbing, but i dont belive i will put up a backdrop.

so a few more questions. with the plexiglass what meathod do use to drill it? just go slow or what? I want to drill it tomorrow and am curious how to go about doing it.

also. with the plexiglass it will be hinged what hinges do you normaly use guys? just the little inch long ones or a little bigger ones, that are like a inch and a half or something like that. and tips for putting on hinges?

and last but not least! attaching the plexiglass to the tank... do you just hot glue the bottom to teh tank or what?

thanks everyone!!

Brian B

here's a link to one of his tutorials.


Jan 16, 2010

here's a link to one of his tutorials.
i have seen the tutorial, i was more or less asking for personal experences and advice.

so anyone who has done this before and can help with any advice that would be greatly appreciated otherwise i will post pictures of the finished project tommorrow. before and after pictures hahaha.

oh and i know i probibly should have waited but i just couldnt help myself. i offered my little avic a cricket.. well.... i think she is going to be a fast grower. she took that cricket like she was gonna die tomorrow!! great fun to watch lol.

anyways thanks everyone for all your help


P.S. i know this has nothing to do with T's but out of curiousity what is the little post counter good for? it says how many posts people have yet mine has said 8 and never changes lol.


Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
drill a small pilot hole then drill the larger hole. try using a drill with a variable torque setting so if the bit hangs it stops and doesnt crack the plastic.

getting the hinge holes to line up was the hard part for me, in the future i might use acrylic hinges instead. the hinges pictured are 1.5 inches long

i used hot glue to attach the lid but if i re-did it i would use something else as the glue on my small scorpion tanks gave up and broke loose.

if you can, take the little glass top that came with the 2.5 gallon tank to home depot and let them use it as a pattern to cut the top for you, cutting plexiglass at home is not the easiest thing in the world and getting shards of it in your hand just plain sucks. note that i used 1/4 inch plexiglass, it might be easier to use thinner material.


Jan 16, 2010
alright i did have that idea for pilot holes glad to hear i am not the only one lol. and so for drilling if it hangs up is it better to stop and pull the drill out and start it up again?

what do you guys reccomend for attaching the lid to the tank? hot glue or other things? can anyone help?

i plan on using 1/8 inch plexiglass shold that work?

thanks everyone



Old Timer
Feb 26, 2009
yeah 1/8 inch should work. i used clear liquid nail to re-attach the scorpion lid when i redid that tank for a B smithi. yes if the bit hangs free it and come back down with it spinning otherwise the plexi will crack.


Jan 16, 2010
ok everyone, plexiglass is good tank is good, T is good!!! everything looks good i think... i will post pics later tonight! shes going to be alot happier now lol



Jan 16, 2010

HEY everyone, so i got it all set up and looking ok for my taste lol. so i figured i would post a few pics. hope you enjoy!

and i know its not the right forums but i figured i would go ahead and post them here. i was hoping someone could help my sex this little.. girl i am thinking but i deffently want a second oppinion.

thanks everyone



Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
Those are some very good pics! I can't tell for certain what kind of an avic it is from below.. but the fuzz on her sides that are showing make me lean towards Metallica. Can you post a shot of her back, I'm just curious :) you got a GREAT deal for $5! The encolseure is looking great for her too. I say her because it is looking female to me.. but she's so dark under there is nearly looks like she's ready to moult!


Jan 16, 2010
Those are some very good pics! I can't tell for certain what kind of an avic it is from below.. but the fuzz on her sides that are showing make me lean towards Metallica. Can you post a shot of her back, I'm just curious :) you got a GREAT deal for $5! The encolseure is looking great for her too. I say her because it is looking female to me.. but she's so dark under there is nearly looks like she's ready to moult!
i hope she is indeed a she!! i would love to breed her someday. and i dont belive shes gonna moult soon because she did eat last night. but i will be keeping my finger's crossed lol.

and the pic you requested... best i have not that good though.

hope that helps!

thanks again


Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
Oh, yes, definately a beautiful A. Metallica. You got a very good deal! She moulted last night? That's why she's so dark there. When she hardens up a bit more (about days) get another vent shot of her and hopefully it'll be streached, lighter, and more defined by then! Grats on the great deal!


Jan 16, 2010
Oh, yes, definately a beautiful A. Metallica. You got a very good deal! She moulted last night? That's why she's so dark there. When she hardens up a bit more (about days) get another vent shot of her and hopefully it'll be streached, lighter, and more defined by then! Grats on the great deal!
nope ya read that wrong, she ate last night not moulted lol. so other oppinions? i was under the assumption it was a a. avic the common pink toe. is this indeed a a metallica? any ideas people?

thanks so much now you all realllly sparked my intrest!



Old Timer
Jan 9, 2010
That definitely looks like an A. avic rather than a metallica. Nice deal:drool: Nice enclosure, send it all to me now! JK, good luck and I agree, looks female to me.


Old Timer
Dec 1, 2009
Ah, yes, I misread that.. There is a bright light on her rear that makes it difficult to see the colorations. But her body is REALLY looking like a metallica, color and all. A. Avics are generally a lot darker blue, nearly purple there. Unless it's your camera, it looks like a metallic blue. Is that how she looks to your eyes without camera distortion?

Here's a picture of a MF A. Metallica


And an A. Avic


for you to cross reference. Scott's Tarantulas is a pretty good site that offers a lot of easily found info and offers some good pics to compare. It also is pretty accurate on the lifespans too.

IF she was calm, and you were confident with her and knew her temperament, I'd say to place her in your hand and reach under with either your pinky finger or a small Q-tip and slightly rub under her. If she raises her legs and cants to the side it would be interesting to know. ALL my female Ts do that.. my males will quickly run away from it or attack. My G. Rosea I'm still not sure of the gender, does it.. When it moults, and if it's a female, I'll feel more comfortable that I may be on to something. If not, then I'll just feel silly :p
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