A couple of questions about new enclosure decorations.


Jun 30, 2016
I currently have 8 tarantulas (slings and juvies) that are all housed on eco earth substrate and I'm planning on switching them over the a mix with peatmoss. Right now 7 of them are in nothing fancy and they all have water bowls, hides, and the substrate. The enclosures all are so boring (not that the tarantulas really need anything else, but I sure do!)to me and as the tarantulas grow larger I want to give them less boring enclosures and I have found that some simple ground cover can go a long way in spicing things up. So I have a few questions to run by anyone on here!

1) At my local Home Depot I found some sphagnum moss bricks labeled as premium grade orchid moss by a company called Better-Gro. I spent some time looking around on here and dendroboards and found that people use this exact type so I went ahead and grabbed some. Today I was working on a new enclosure for my small juvie A. Genic and before I put any of this moss in it, I rinsed it off in the sink with hot water for a couple of minutes. My question is, is there anything else I need to do to prepare it, or should it be safe to go?

Also a while back, I bought some Flukers green sphagnum moss without thinking, but I'm a little uneasy about using it. Seems to be dyed even though the bit I've tested through soaking and rinsing maintained that dark green color and the water stayed clear. Anyone have any experience with this moss? Is it worth it to keep or should I just pitch it? I haven't seen too many positive comments about it.

2) I have a yard full of oak, cherry, and maple trees and every year these things decide to give me a thousand+ pounds of dried leaves (twice a year for my 200+ year old live oak). I've seen some absolutely gorgeous enclosures on here and around the internet with leaves from the trees I have and I was wondering, if I use the leaves from my yard, do I need to do anything to "prep" them, or will a nice rinsing do the job of getting them ready to be used? I do know that once every few years my town sprays for mosquitoes but its been a while since the last time they sprayed.

3)I bought some fake plants from the local Hobby Lobby and I let them soak for about a week to clean any possible oils and gunk off of them (saw people on here advising to do that). Should I do anything else, or are they fine?

I can tell I'm overthinking this, but I would rather try to ask people who have some experience with this than possibly risk losing my little monsters.

Also the enclosure for my genic that I was working on! 9in x 5in x 5in to give it some room to grow for a good while. No top holes due to stacking but it has 56 1/8in holes for some good airflow. Probably will remove that one random leaf. Not liking the look of it too much.

Edit: Sorry for the massive pictures!


user 666

Jan 27, 2017
Flukers dies their moss, yes.

And yes, you can use leaves from your lawn. Just don't forget that the usual rules about pesticides apply.


Jun 30, 2016
Flukers dies their moss, yes.

And yes, you can use leaves from your lawn. Just don't forget that the usual rules about pesticides apply.
Ah that's pretty annoying that they would dye it but... oh well! I'll try to find some other use for it haha!

Yeah the mosquito pesticide is the only thing I worry about :(


Oct 14, 2016
If there is any question in your mind that anything is contaminated, don't use it. It may be easy to gather items from the lawn, but with the amount we spend on our Ts (not to mention our attachment to them) its worth it to spend just a bit more to get decorations that we know are uncontaminated.


Jan 26, 2017
Do I spy a Hobby Lobby display case? You did a nice job.

1) Nothing more required.
2) I've seen people boil them. Pesticide use in an urban/sub-urban area is concerning. If you have doubts probably shouldn't use them, or if you have a proliferation of slings you could crush a few & use them in the substrate. If the sling dies, avoid.
3) Castile soap & a thorough rinsing is what I do.


Jun 30, 2016
If there is any question in your mind that anything is contaminated, don't use it. It may be easy to gather items from the lawn, but with the amount we spend on our Ts (not to mention our attachment to them) its worth it to spend just a bit more to get decorations that we know are uncontaminated.
That's solid advice. Knowing me, I would probably end up worrying for a while until either enough time passes and I end up not worrying or I lose one the tarantulas.

Do I spy a Hobby Lobby display case? You did a nice job.

1) Nothing more required.
2) I've seen people boil them. Pesticide use in an urban/sub-urban area is concerning. If you have doubts probably shouldn't use them, or if you have a proliferation of slings you could crush a few & use them in the substrate. If the sling dies, avoid.
3) Castile soap & a thorough rinsing is what I do.
It is indeed a Hobby Lobby case! Can't beat the $6 price and thank you! I'm sure my Genic will completely rearrange it once it is introduced but for now I'll be able to enjoy my work!

Glad to hear nothing else is required for the sphagnum.
Yeah that's the joy in living in densely populated area of Florida... tons of mosquitoes and people deciding to spray pesticide everywhere :/ I think I'll just not try to mess with any of the outside leaves for now. If I ever find myself with a surplus of slings on my hands, I'll probably take a try at testing one or two with the leaves. Until then, I'll either order some bags (ugh, buying leaves haha!) from reputable online dealers or just not bother. The moss does a great job spicing up the ground cover for now!

Thanks, everyone!


Dec 4, 2016
I'm envious you have an old Oak tree. Millipede enthusiasts would love having all those leaves and wood for food for their critters.


Jun 30, 2016
Pitch it due to dyes.

Based on bug spraying, would not use them at all.
Pitched and yeah I'm not going to use any of the leaves. Just not worth the risk :( Will order some if I feel the need to!

I'm envious you have an old Oak tree. Millipede enthusiasts would love having all those leaves and wood for food for their critters.
I would be more than happy to share these leaves with whoever wanted some! I never know what to do with all of the leaves hah! I don't know if the mosquito insecticide that is sprayed now and then would harm millipedes. There are tons of them in the flower beds under the tree though