Search results for query: dimorphism

  1. Z

    Vietnam silver sexually dimorphism???

    i have 2 vietnam silver both same size and i bought them at the same time the one on the top is kinda brownish and have greyish and the bottom is same like the sling could i identify fast their gender by their color difference???
  2. PhilBugs

    C.marshalli sexual dimorphism

    Apologies if I've put this in the wrong place, there wasn't an appropriate category in the sexing forum as far as I could see (I'm a newbie, go easy on me). As Ceratogyrus marshalli is sexually dimorphic with females having a horn and males having a nub, is the horn on this 2-3" specimen big...
  3. Tbone192

    Sexual Dimorphism in Asian Tarantulas

    First and foremost, does C dyscolus exhibit sexual dimorphism? Couldn't find many specifics on sexing this species. I have seen a lot of MMs with lighter leg banding than confirmed females but I wanted to check. For reference, I have 2 C dyscolus. Both molted recently, they are both about 3-4"...
  4. itchyhands

    At what age is sexual dimorphism apparent?

    Hi all, it's your crazy friend itchyhands, At what age will my psalmopoeus Cambridgei's appearance tell me it's sex? Mines approximately 7 or 8 months old now and 3 inches. It's legs practically doubled in size with it's last molt and it's got more adult coloring now. I'm worried it's a male...
  5. Clover Arms

    Omothymus violaceopes (Singapore Blue) dimorphism?

    I got a free Singapore Blue juvie back in March from a purchase. It was about 1.5" at the time. It has molted twice now and has remained hidden most of the time. The molts were not conclusive to sex because they were destroyed. I just rehoused it thinking it's grown some, but not realizing...
  6. Z

    Sexual dimorphism in Scolopendra hainanum

    Hello all, I have recently heard rumors on sexual dimorphism of Scolopendra hainanum which - “Males are patternless females are patterned” I was skeptical at first, so I went ahead to test this theory out with my specimens. All specimens (except 1) were knocked out using setup as follows...
  7. klawfran3

    Sexual dimorphism in Ephebopus murinus

    ...feel as though I've gotten nowhere and the whole topic has become more muddled :rofl: I have heard and read that E. murinus shows sexual dimorphism before maturing, with males being a brown color their whole life and females turning jet black. But I've also heard that males will turn black...
  8. dadedvd1

    Hyllus diardi sexual dimorphism

    ...for info/other threads about Hyllus sexing, but I couldn't find anything so I figured it would be better to start one. As we know, sexual dimorphism in jumping spiders has its relevant evidence, especially in regards to precise species (like Phidippus regius, the most known) where we're able...
  9. K

    Sexual dimorphism

    Does anyone know of any kind of list of tarantulas that are sexually dimorphic as adults? Thanks in advance
  10. spideyspinneret78

    P. ornata Dorsal Sexing/ Sexual Dimorphism

    ...sac that look a bit different from one another. The first one (Kip) is slightly smaller than Mowgli (the second one). I don't know how to tell the difference between individual variation and sexual dimorphism when these guys are small. They're each a little over 2in DLS. Help would be...
  11. Sexing my Arizona blonde by using dimorphism

    Sexing my Arizona blonde by using dimorphism

    Not sure where exactly to post this by I'm trying to determine if this is male or female by using the sexual dimorphism. Any ideas?
  12. jpumahinay

    Ceratogyrus species sexual dimorphism

    I have read in one of the threads that C.marshali tarantulas are sexually dimorphic (females have horns while males do not). Can anyone direct me to any link or information that may help me find out if the other ceratogyrus species are sexually dimorphic. Thanks
  13. GhostOoOoOo

    Any idea at what age Damon diadema start exhibiting sexual dimorphism in pedipalps?

    I've seen some information that says they don't show their sexual dimorphism (larger pedipalps for males) as whiplings, but never been able to find any info about at what age they start to exhibit it. Any info would help, thanks :)
  14. Liquifin

    Poecilotheria vittata Sexual Dimorphism?

    ...on the matter as I find the carapace to be completely different between the male and female. Which reminded me of the P. ornata sexual dimorphism. The carapace and coloration difference is just what I find very distinct and interesting to me. So I thought I'd share a photo, as the male...
  15. babiephish

    Sexual Dimorphism In A Avic?

    Is there any other subtle ways A Avics display their sex? I believe I saw somewhere that males are more "leggy" than females, but I could be wrong. Just wondering since I can't really get a good luck at my 4" A Avic's underside and wanted to see if there were any ways I could get a hint
  16. Iamconstantlyhappy

    Sexual dimorphism before or after final molt/species specific question

    Does sexual dimorphism express itself in males only after the final molt, or does it express itself prior to that, or is it dependent upon the species. In Lampropelma nigerimmum, how/when is it expressed?
  17. Y

    Do Brachypelma boehmei (Mexian fireleg) tarantulas exhibit sexual dimorphism?

    I'm being sold a 3 in B. boehmei and I;m wondering if these tarantulas show sexual dimorphism so I can tell if its a male or not. I might be getting sold a male that's close to maturity or something
  18. JenVegas

    Sexual Dimorphism... Male and female of different species

    So I've been really interested in sexual dimorphism recently, particularly how different it is in different species. Some have obvious sexual dimorphism that you can see at a glance, others are much, much harder. In some, the male is bigger. Others, the female is bigger. In some, the female is...
  19. spideyspinneret78

    P. regalis sexual dimorphism

    At what size does the difference in coloration between males and females start to appear in this species? Also, what are some "hints" that one may have a male or female, aside from examining a molt? I've been trying to ventrally sex my new acquisition but am finding it difficult, so I was...
  20. BillsSpider

    Sexual dimorphism in Psalmopoeus pulcher

    It's been a while since researching so if someone could refresh my memory, do P.pulcher turn that grey like P.irminia or P.cambridgei? Did a rehouse of my P.pulcher as it was getting to big for the old enclosure and it looks decidedly male although I couldn't confirm hooks or emboli yet