Search results for query: lividus

  1. NMTs

    Today in the Spider Room?

    Did some rehousings yesterday, more to do today. 0.0.1 Psalmopoeus cambridgei, 2.25" DLS 0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus, 4.5" DLS. Never recovered an intact molt from this one, but a good look at the underside during this rehousing and coloration have me convinced it's a female. 0.1...
  2. 0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus, 4.5" DLS

    0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus, 4.5" DLS

    10 days post-molt. She was relatively calm and cooperative for this photo shoot. Such deep blues, she's gorgeous.
  3. NMTs

    Who molted today?

    ...3.25" DLS, right after: And about 12 hours later: Those are all the molts from today. A couple that have molted in the last week made appearances today: 0.1 Omothymus sp. Sumatran tiger, 3.5" DLS (sneaky pic through the lid): 0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus, 3.5" DLS (check out that blue):
  4. NMTs

    Who molted today? that deep, dark hole is a freshly molted T around 1.25" DLS: 0.0.2 Eucratoscelus pachypus, 1" & 1.375" DLS, no pics... 0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus, 4.25" DLS (crappy pic of the molt): 0.1 Omothymus sp. Sumatran tiger, ~4" DLS: These molts are all great, but I wish my P. victori, C...
  5. Ultum4Spiderz

    Need some advice please

    I haven’t had one so I don’t know what size they become blue. doesn’t look skinny. Maybe it’s just not hungry.
  6. cyriopagopus lividus

    cyriopagopus lividus

    Male /female? 2"+DLS C. Lividus
  7. spideyspinneret78

    What species are you keeping currently?

    Can tell that you're really into Ornithoctoninae. Which species has been your favorite so far?
  8. curtisgiganteus

    What species are you keeping currently?

    ...“DCF” 0.1.0 Cyriopagopus sp Bach Ma 1.3.0 Cyriopagopus doriae 0.0.4 Cyriopagopus sp Erewan 1.2.4 Cyriopagopus hainanus 0.1.0 Cyriopagopus lividus 0.1.0 Cyriopagopus minax 1.2.0 Cyriopagopus schmidti “Phong Nha / Ke Bang 0.1.0 Cyriopagopus schmidti “Gold/Guangxi” 0.1.1 Cyriopagopus sp Uthai...
  9. Cyriopagopus lividus

    Cyriopagopus lividus

    Cyriopagopus lividus 2 inch Male or Female? Thanks
  10. gabrieldezzi

    Any New Additions?

    Only a couple more millenia til shes a full grown adult !! Congratulations! Brachypelma is a new world species though.
  11. SpooderMooder23

    Any New Additions?

    I got a new Cyriopagapus lividus and a Brachypelma emilia 😍 I'm not a big fan of old worlds but I'm smitten with 'Olive' it's the only brachypelma I really like 😅
  12. DTinney21

    User DTinney21's Tarantula Pictures

    Cyriopagopus schmidti 'Phong-Nha/Ke Bang' Psalmopoeus ecclesiasticus Ornithoctonus aureotibialis Harpactira pulchripes Cyriopagopus doriae Cyriopagopus lividus Chilobrachys fimbriatus
  13. I

    Someone special

    It's hard to pick a single favourite, since each has their own qualities but if I had to choose, it would probably be my Cyriopagopus lividus - Cobalt Blue. My first old word T. She's almost always out and about, and has quite the appetite
  14. Brewser

    Vietnam blue

    Perfect example of being patient... Just noticed legs sticking out of Cyriopagopus Lividus's (Cobalt Blue) Enclosure... Haven't seen it for a month and a half til now. I will continue to give it more time to harden up etc. Once it starts coming completely out and hunting and looks good, this...
  15. jbooth

    Vietnam blue

    Lots of times you don't know if they've molted with fossorials. My C. lividus finally showed itself last night, after like 4 months. No molt tossed out, all I saw was legs and a flash when it popped out to grab a roach. I don't think I've ever actually seen a molt from it, and it's molted maybe...
  16. C. Lividus ventral sexing

    C. Lividus ventral sexing

    I risked my life to get this photo 😂
  17. I

    What species are you keeping currently?

    ...C darlingi 0.0.1 C dyscolus 0.0.2 C fimbriatus 0.0.1 C huahini 0.1.2 C cyaneopubescens 0.1.0 C albostriatus 0.0.1 C sp. 'Hati Hati' 0.1.0 C lividus 0.0.1 H villosella 0.1.1 H gigas 0.0.2 I mira 0.0.1 M robustum 0.0.2 N chromatus 0.0.1 O sp. 'Uthai Thani' 0.0.1 O phillipinus 0.1.0 P...
  18. F

    Need help in choosing a beginner friendly blue tarantula

    The more I hear about your friend the more I want to recommend a C lividus... Something that will make him pee himself a little bit. You did say blue... 🤣 Don't let him get anything you don't want to inherit though.
  19. Wickedwitch021

    Tarantulas and Light Exposure

    There is no telling, between Tiktok and YouTube the misinformation highway has gotten larger - Just the other day I saw a Tiktok of someone telling others that Cyriopagopus lividus make good beginners and that was enough for me to close the app.
  20. corydalis

    Send threat.... pose pics

    1.0 Grammostola pulchra juvie 1.0 Harpactira pulchripes juvie 0.1 Monocentropus balfouri 0.1 Lasiodorides striatus pre- and postmolt 0.1 Cyriopagopus lividus