This is in regard to Viper's contributions here on the boards. I don't generally give costumer reviews. I actually don't purchase (outside MMs), so you won't often see any reviews from me. It was not a request either.
Outside pricelists, I also keep to myself. Selfish maybe, with a rash of excuses. On top of being a Dad who's constantly on the road, Viper seems to work long hours, yet still finds time to handle a dozen posts everyday. This is a respectable commitment, that I envy quite a bit. I especially appreciate wisdom, proposed from modesty. It's not a domineering practice but vital information, that's also welcoming to newcomers. In a hobby where little has been proven, it's important we question everything (whether or not it's been discussed). Through any controversy, he appears to be thorough in where/how he receives his information. The stars may not apply to default categories. He's deserving of all 25, just the same. Keep it up!
Outside pricelists, I also keep to myself. Selfish maybe, with a rash of excuses. On top of being a Dad who's constantly on the road, Viper seems to work long hours, yet still finds time to handle a dozen posts everyday. This is a respectable commitment, that I envy quite a bit. I especially appreciate wisdom, proposed from modesty. It's not a domineering practice but vital information, that's also welcoming to newcomers. In a hobby where little has been proven, it's important we question everything (whether or not it's been discussed). Through any controversy, he appears to be thorough in where/how he receives his information. The stars may not apply to default categories. He's deserving of all 25, just the same. Keep it up!