Which T is this?

Which T is this?

Bought this young female as Pamphobeteus sp. Machalla but highly doubt it, it looks like Xenesthis immanis or intermedia to me... Your thoughts?
The bristles on the abdomen would be much more wiry and irregularly directed if it were a X. Immanus or Intermedia. My thoughts are that you do in fact have a P. Machalla. If not that species, then definitely a specimen within the Pamphobeteus genus.
Pamphobeteus and Xenesthis are easily told apart scopula of leg IV metatarsus, not visible in this pic. Although I see no reason to think this spider is anything but what it was sold to you as.

Later, Tom
Further to Tom, also legIV is typically noticeably longer in Xenesthis. Fyi, Pamphobeteus and Xenesthis appear to be very closely related genera (probably sister-genera) that's why you see similarity. But please don't rename based on a few photo comparisons or opinions of those on the internet, it's vital to at least look at what taxonomic characters have been used to define both genera, then look at those characters on your specimen (or a moult). Degree of scopulation on metatarsus leg IV is critical to consider, as Tom said in less words!

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