Theraphosa blondi
The Spider House

Theraphosa blondi

Approx 4 weeks post moult. Adult Female T blondi. This one is supposedly the "Brazilian" form. Most are French Guyana but visually and without any equipment to conform, looks like all my other T blondi.
Blimey I knew it was usually a few month but anything over 6 month say .its usually assumed that the egg sac they make will be infertile .were yours all seasoned adults e.g over 3yrs old .does seem a long time .ive paired a few off myself so very interested it's been a while lol
Yes all seasoned and big girls well over 3 years. All at least 9 inches.

Any tips woukd be welcomed as I have 3 fresh adult females.and a male about to mature.
I was rather hoping you could give me some tips lol.but seriously kept on/off a while .came close to success till she molted out .best way is to keep mating.e.g if you have a fresh sperm web I was told by German breeders that you can get 2-3 matings out of each web male makes.Also to keep mm extra wet moist humid to prevent sperm drying out.i had
Have you got strifflers book or Hans werners theraphosa blondi &theraphosa apophysis it's well worth translating from German to English.normalweisse 8-12 wochen(week)for Spinnen activitat
Have you got strifflers book or Hans werners theraphosa blondi &theraphosa apophysis it's well worth translating from German to English.normalweisse 8-12 wochen(week)for Spinnen activitat
I am not hopeful for this one now then ha ha. Got 3 others to hopefully get right when the make matures. Will look in to that book. Thank you 😊
Its ok as a hobbyist I'm all for the species .It really is worth going on google and deciphering another language into English tho seriously.on another thought I pair as often as possible
I am not hopeful for this one now then ha ha. Got 3 others to hopefully get right when the make matures. Will look in to that book. Thank you 😊
Hi I've somehow ended up with two copy's of that book I mentioned both in mint condition I can sell one to you (half amazon uk price)if your interested and claw something back out of it
Hi I've somehow ended up with two copy's of that book I mentioned both in mint condition I can sell one to you (half amazon uk price)if your interested and claw something back out of it
Hi I've somehow ended up with two copy's of that book I mentioned both in mint condition I can sell one to you (half amazon uk price)if your interested and claw something back out of it
It's in German at 94 pages many brilliant colour photos as I say I ended up with two

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samsung SM-A520F
Focal length
3.6 mm
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File size
3.5 MB
Date taken
Thu, 07 July 2022 8:12 AM
3456px x 3662px

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