Suns out guns out!!
Mature male G. tiomanicum is out and about scavenging after pruning all the plants in their enclosure!
Lovely colors!! I'd love to set up a nice paludarium someday for either these or some firebelly newts.
Lovely colors!! I'd love to set up a nice paludarium someday for either these or some firebelly newts.
Yeah they’re a joy to keep, though pretty reclusive at times but so worth it when you see them out and about on days like today!
Yeah they’re a joy to keep, though pretty reclusive at times but so worth it when you see them out and about on days like today!
One of those rarer treats like a beautiful fossorial T! 😁
Do you keep any other kinds of crabs? I've always been curious about keeping Gecarcinus lateralis and other land crabs too.
One of those rarer treats like a beautiful fossorial T! 😁
Do you keep any other kinds of crabs? I've always been curious about keeping Gecarcinus lateralis and other land crabs too.
I only keep Geosesarma species right now as they are fully freshwater and breedable and hatch into crabs directly. Gecarcinus need salt water and fresh water. Id love to keep them in the near future though one of these days.
Omg those little eyes 😆 so cute 😍 are they hard to keep? I have always loved crabs as a child we lived near a beach and I remember fondly going down to catch crabs , I would release them once caught but I liked to see them upclose as they have always fascinated me. I just always assumed they would be difficult to keep as a pet so never looked into them.

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