Possibly Aphonopelma spiderling?
NoStoneUnturned Herps

Possibly Aphonopelma spiderling?

Found this guy under a large rock inside of a burrow(in southern California). He appears to be an Aphonopelma spiderling, but i'm not sure. Any identification or care tips would be greatly appreciated.
Doesn't that revision have in depth locality charts? If you know the exact location it was found in So Cal, those charts should narrow it down tremendously if not point out the exact species depending on exact location. Brent did a very thorough job with this revision, which really helps hobbyists like us.
@Jeff23 I got that. My comment was directed towards the OP's Aphonopelma.
@BobBarley Yeah, but some don't, so they are easily IDed... Your right the OP needs to identify the exact location before we can more forward with an ID.

Aren't those black spots on the back half of the abdomen a sign of a adolescence -sling/juvenile? Can't say I can recall an adult with that, dwarf nor reg Aphonopelma. I'm certainly out of my realm with Aphonopelma so I'm not that familiar with all the Cali. species. Though, the charts have helped me ID Cali species in the past with certainty.
@CEC Okay. I know my posts added a little confusion to the discussion. Maybe OP will reply.

I have a lot of Aphonopelma slings and while I am definitely not an expert, I believe all of them do have a spot, but I haven't noted details about it. I need to feed a bunch of them tonight. I think I will take note on any that I can see.
In coastal socal you have two possibilities- Eutylenum, and steindachneri. further inland you find iodius, becoming more common the closer you get to arid climates- though curiously, eutylenum occurs in small isolated populations as far east as imperial county, occurring near and in the algodones wilderness, and a single specimen recorded from Palo Verde, near the arizona border.

At this age, your best bet is to refer to the aphonopelma revision for excellent high res photographs showing the characteristics of each species.

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Tarantula Identification
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