Please Identify this Pink Toe

Please Identify this Pink Toe

avicularia avicularia or avicularia metallica. it seems to be more like a mettallica to me though. hope this helps
Probably Avicularia avicularia "Guyana Pinktoe" but IDing this genus is tough right now with all of the WC specimens being imported and floating around. If it's got more of a red hue from the setae it's probably an avic avic but if it's more of a white then it's probably a metallica. Color isn't a reliable difference but this might help. Watch it's size too I think metallicas get bigger.
thanks for backing up my points and you are right. A Metallicas get approximately one inch larger in legspan than the A avicularia. it does look like a Metallica to me though.
i'd label it as Avicularia sp "Guyana". the avic genus is a mess, there's no way to be sure of what you really have.

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