Nhandu chromatus, 2-2.5”

Nhandu chromatus, 2-2.5”

N.chromatus should be obvious. Mine showed a very dark and obvious dark arch at 3'' already,so i'm actually gonna lean female here. Though this opinion can easily switch on the following molt. If you could get a closer picture (not cropping,optically closer) that would give more solid clues
N.chromatus should be obvious. Mine showed a very dark and obvious dark arch at 3'' already,so i'm actually gonna lean female here. Though this opinion can easily switch on the following molt. If you could get a closer picture (not cropping,optically closer) that would give more solid clues
If I had a better camera I would. But iPhones do a digital zoom, not an optical zoom, and they can’t focus on anything closer than six inches away.
If I had a better camera I would. But iPhones do a digital zoom, not an optical zoom, and they can’t focus on anything closer than six inches away.
A magnifying glass/loupe in front of a camera is the trick some people use,should give a better look :D

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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