It can easily be another species from Guatemala that was often missold as A.seemanni in previous years but isn't those. So be careful of that if you ever think to try and breed. But for both the (better) care is the same, give it a setup which will allow it to make a deep obligate burrow please.
@KezyGLA I'm not answering for sjl197, but here is some more info on the Guatemala Aphonopelma sp. The Guatemalan species misidentified as A. seemanni does not yet have a name so it is most often sold as Aphonopelma seemanni "blue" or "blue form". I'm not sure if it has ever been sold as an undescribed Aphonopelma species from Guatemala. It too has orange spinnerets and underside (coxa and sternum) like A. seemanni. The not-so-obvious difference when comparing the two side-by-side is that the Guatemalan Aphonopelma sp. does not have as bold leg striping. Hopefully sjl197 will reply and give more information, but for now the point is that there are two Central American Aphonopelma species that have an orange underside (including spinnerets) with vertical leg striping. The "other" is constantly misidentified as Aphonopelma seemanni and hobbyists wrongly use the orange spinnerets to determine this "other one" as A. seemanni.
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