Grammostola rosea 'RCF'
'Rina', g. rosea AF posing on some moss. Can always reliably get a good pic of this girl, as I know she's not going anywhere lol. Seriously though, this might be the slowest moving spider I've ever seen, not like your wee firecracker @Charliemum XD.
😍😍😍 she's gorgeous 😍

No my girl wouldn't sit like that without a insect shaped bribe 😆

And I must know how do you get your moss to stay green? My girl hates moisture so I didn't think I could put stuff like that in there.
😍😍😍 she's gorgeous 😍

No my girl wouldn't sit like that without a insect shaped bribe 😆

And I must know how do you get your moss to stay green? My girl hates moisture so I didn't think I could put stuff like that in there.
The moss is dry/dead, ripped it out of some of those 'jungle decor kits' you see advertised online (I used to buy them back in the day cause my noob a** thought they were necessary to having a good enclosure lol)... the moss in them was green but not dyed like in some decor kits so I kept a bunch of it, put it in a bag and use it for some decoration in my 'dry T' enclosures as I think it does actually look decent, just gotta be careful cause some pieces have spines in them!
The moss is dry/dead, ripped it out of some of those 'jungle decor kits' you see advertised online (I used to buy them back in the day cause my noob a** thought they were necessary to having a good enclosure lol)... the moss in them was green but not dyed like in some decor kits so I kept a bunch of it, put it in a bag and use it for some decoration in my 'dry T' enclosures as I think it does actually look decent, just gotta be careful cause some pieces have spines in them!
Ah am with ya, I used to get the same kits from tss 😊. N nothing wrong with getting kits to make an enclosure look better, I am constantly buying random stuff to try in my enclosures 😊 most recent random viv purchase is terracotta mushrooms and posh corkbark for my irminia's enclosure 😆

Feel I need to explain posh corkbark, I found a shop on line that takes pics of the individual pieces of bark with ruler next to it so you can actually see the bit and size before you buy it , they are pretty cheap too I only paid £15 and got 3 cork tubes and 2 flats and they are beautiful and lichen covered and only £3.50 delivery for the lot . They clean them too, this is the first time I have bought bark in a year that didn't have segestria in it. (Bloody segestria spiders are the baine of my life .) But because they come in tissue individually wrapped and individually pictured on the site my family have doubed them posh corkbark 😆

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