Luker Arachno


Can anyone ID? Found in Parana - Brazil
A black tarantula found in Brazil... Brazilian Black... could it be that simple? :anxious:
Im not expert but im pretty sure even male G.pulchra are not so fluffy. Generally the species has a sleek and shiny appearance without the long hairs on the legs.

Could be wrong though, but i can understand why the OP asked for a second opinion
This is not G. pulchra.

This is what people know in the hobby as G. grossa.
I have a pair of G. Grossa and i would agree. It didnt look like a Pulchra but after a longer closer look i would suspect also to be female Grossa. But it being female is just my guess. Its definately big n healthy. No need for gloves.
I have a pair of G. Grossa and i would agree. It didnt look like a Pulchra but after a longer closer look i would suspect also to be female Grossa. But it being female is just my guess. Its definately big n healthy. No need for gloves.
Actually i take that back. Prolly not a female.

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Tarantula Identification
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Luker Arachno
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