Otherwise known as E. pulcherrimaklaasi, sorta. This is my most recent Craigslist rescue. She was being kept in a container with no substrate, no water dish, and no hide. On top of that, she had just molted a few days prior.
@gypsy cola I hear you! Kind of like a pug They have a very... interesting color pattern. It's the red/orange stripes on the knees that get me, they're gorgeous. As a side note, "E. pulcherrimaklaasi" isn't really accepted in the hobby. Look for E. sp. "Green femur" or E. sp. "Green"
@BobBarley They were asking $55, but I talked them down to $25 and a batch of roaches. They even gave me one of those large circle KK's... not sure what I'm going to do with it, but those things are like $20 alone.
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