Phoecilotheria ? and which species ? image 2

Phoecilotheria ? and which species ? image 2

- Hello, here in mexico city a seller have it as a Phoecilotheria, he said that it is a "P regalis" but i don´t sure at all if the Genus and the species are right. Please can you help me to ID? thanks, in advance. Regards, Roberto.
^ ? P.Irminia is not a poecilotheria...Its definitly some kind of pokie but its hard to tell when they are that small for me.
thats not an irminia! its a pokie and i agree its too small to say.
i think some people jump in and argue just to do it.
i have an irminia sling about that size, and it does not look like it. the lower segments on the leg are yellow to orange.

thats def. some species of pokie.
get an overview of the carapace, that will narrow it down a lot, at least until it starts developing a little colour

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