My G porteri (?) I got yesterday
I want one ! I am going to Chile for 3 weeks next month. Hope to see them in the wild but hottest time of year there..............
@The Grym Reaper you know, I kinda had my doubts, specially when I saw the closeups on the hairs. It was labeled as a rosea at the store, I'm going back to tell them tomorrow I think, really crappy of them to mislabel stuff like that, might get mixed up and cross-bred by uncunning people.

Thanks alot for clearing that up.
@dariopathic G. porteri and G. rosea both used to be called G. rosea (normal/red colour form) but they were revised and classified as different species ("red" stayed as rosea and the "normal" was changed to porteri). Some people don't bother to keep up with the taxonomy and subsequently mislabel them (and pet stores are notorious for knowing next to nothing about tarantulas anyway).

As far as I'm aware, porteri has a kinda metallic pinkish carapace whereas sp. 'North' is more brown in the carapace.
@The Grym Reaper yeah, I've noticed. That's a shame, not only is it ignorant but also disrespectful to people within the hobby, aswell as the spiders.

Comparing the two, I kinda find more similarities to porteri. The carapace of mine kinda has a slight purple-ish metallic tint to it. I guess it's best to wait until it molts before I jump to conclusions.

Thanks again.
@The Grym Reaper

I think its the other way around. I believe the sp North has a more pink carapace as well as pink on the femurs and porteri is grey femurs.

The rosehair situation is to darn confusing. Can't get a consistent answer from people LOL.

@KezyGLA usually knows how to tell such things apart.
@Theneil yeah, it's hard for me even to compare to pictures. Should the colors be apparent even though it's a juvie? Do they kinda grow into their colors? I'm gonna take some proper photos with decent light and post them here tomorrow after my visit to the pet store.

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