Can anyone id this T for me please?

Can anyone id this T for me please?

My husband bought this 1 1/2 inch sling (which the breeder identified to the store as a t. blondi). We were wondering if anyone could identify this T to the best of your ability based on the picture. We just want to make sure the set up is done correctly. Thanks in advance!
To me it looks like some sort of Chilobrachys or even a Phlogius species but I could be wrong, but it is definitely not a T. Blondi
My understanding is a year or so back spiders came imported from Strictly reptiles and other Reptile stores as T. blondi. When they were shown to me as T. blondi I laughed and stated they are definitely not and look like a neholothele species as they were clearly a dwarf (I have 3 currently). I have no idea if they are part of the same T. blondi nonsense and perhaps Canada received a similar bach as well from importation? You should probably speak to who you got it from, who they got it from, and so on to see if you can get any answers. If there is no answers to be had then I would PM Philth as I believe he received some as well. Regardless, your set up is fine not much to it with some substrate in a container not to dry and not to wet.....
@JoeRossi Thanks for the info. We are trying to retrace where it came from...breeders, importer etc. Perhaps it’s story is the same as yours. In the meantime we’ll keep the setup basic until we can definitively identify it in the future.
And keep in mind that an unidentified species could have a medically significant bite along with an unidentifiable temperament, even a wee sling. Take care!

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Tarantula Identification
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Apple iPhone 6
Focal length
4.2 mm
Exposure time
Off, did not fire
File size
787.8 KB
Date taken
Tue, 20 March 2018 12:48 PM
1536px x 2048px

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