Agreed. Mine is awesome. She stayed hidden until her last molt. Now she sits out just looking for a fight. Just shy of 2” but she acts like she’s a Theraphosa spp. Fearless and proud.
@BC1579 Yep mine is really docile and the way she takes food she just calmly comes out and snuggles the prey to her everything slowly like i say ''No Stress!''
@mazzzz From what i learned you dont need very tall enc. cube 20x20 would be perfect till she adults and the its up to you and her size.
They'll eat anything small enough for them and they say that they are arboreal but mine is semi-arboreal means they need a cork bark or tube but under it they need some substrate to dig and strenghten theyre web.
A water dish some plants that cover air and ground lvl and misting with water a mist twice a week. Soo yeah i hope it will help you but still you need to make diferences every T difernceates from one another.
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