Was sold wrong species

Was sold wrong species

Went to an expo recently and during the chaos of people running around and buying things, I thought I was sold a Ephebopus cyanognathus. With it curled up due to the cold, I couldn't double check and took his word. Now I would like to know what this is so I can care for it properly.
Why do you think it's not a Ephebopus cyanognathus? I don't see any evidence in this pic to suggest otherwise.
@CEC the things that set me off were that the Chelicerae were the same color of the body, instead of blue (I'm still new to this species but it's my understanding that that's a good way of identifying them) also when I looked up what mature versions of the species they didn't seem to resemble this one at all. Again, there's still a chance I'm wrong because this is only my second T.
It could be a misidentified Ephebopus uatuman (often referred to as "the poor man's Blue Fang"), care is the same anyway.
@ShiningCandy25 Well, adults don't have the bright blue chelicerae that immatures have. The chelicerae have a dull blue hue post molt as adults and depending on age and molt cycle can appear similar in color to the body. Therefore, It's hard to say if this is an cyanognathus or uatuman.

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