@ThisMeansWAR The males the mayority of times I find them walking around, the females y found them in their burrows, but is not a big problem, in less that 24 hours they find another hide or make a new burrow
@Tazeday Ok, I have to geek out a bit. Where do you find the burrows of this species? What's the substrate and is it very dry? What's the temperature outside? So many questions...
Looks like there are several boli, discarded food around the entrance of the burrow. And would you lookit - down to the left you see an exuvium that she has kicked out No webbing though. Is the burrow set in a slope?
@ThisMeansWAR Homoeomma’s live’s in semi-dried forest, under big rocks, they dont make their own burrows as Grammostolas for example, they just use any hide and then burrow a little bit. The humidity here is 60%, and the day temperature is 28-29 celcius
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