Found this in my pasture in a nifty little funnel shaped web. There were about 500 more in a 20 ft radius. North central Arkansas. Any ideas on species? Feisty little spider!
Yep, Tegenaria domestica. Their venom is completely harmless, they're not very defensive, and they can live for over seven years in the wild, as long as they don't get killed. So their max lifespan could be longer.
Did some googling aaand it looks pretty identical. So I'll call it a match at that. Will post updates on the webbing, assuming it makes it. Will also do some searching and see if theres anything i can improve in the enclosure. Thanks guys! @Moakmeister not defensive you say? Shoulda seen it in its temporary enclosure. Very angry. Made it very obvious.
@JoshDM020 Well apparently they're skittish. But I found that on Wikipedia, so it's probably just wrong. You have no idea how many times venomous animal pages say "poison" :/
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