A. Avicularia

A. Avicularia

Male or female? Sorry for the pic quality it's the best I could get. It's also showing some early signs of premolt so hopefully soon I'll also have an exo to confirm anyways but I'm just really curious now and I've never been good at ventral sexing.
sure that it is an Avicularia Avicularia?... it's really different, seems like a Poecilotheria....
That's not avic avic.. who sold you that as an avic avic? That's poecilotheria.. looks like P. Ornata.. and THAT is a HANDS OFF specimen, read the bite reports, you don't want to get bitten by a poecie.... especially ornata
For all you tarantula experts out there this is an Avicularia avicularia also known as a common pinktoe not a Poecilotheria!! I would know I have three pokies myself so enough with the whole Poecilotheria debate.
i never seen an Avicularia like that in europe... i have a lot of Poecilotheria gender (ornata, miranda, and smithi)and it's seems more like that... but it's only my opinion..
Can someone please tell me where i can find in internet a photo af an Avicularia like that?!?
Once again it's not a Poecilotheria it's an Avicularia. If you go to my gallery you can see a picture of her on my hand... Clearly a pinktoe
Well when I clicked on your picture this is what showed up:

View attachment 137165

I'm by far not an expert, but I can tell the difference between an avic and poeci, I myself have poecilotheria, no need to get rude just because of a minor mistake which is not ours, you probably uploaded the wrong picture in the first place and later on changed it, why some of us see a poeci and not an avic
Okay cool, yeah just saying sometimes people upload the wrong pictures by accident and then later upload the correct one but for some users the old one keeps showing up, the one I'm talking about is still showing for me.. I think deleting the picture in your attachments might solve the problem though, you can just click settings, and on the left side at the bottom you'll see a tab saying "attachments" click on it and it will show the files you uploaded, search for the one you want to delete (I have to view them everytime to make sure I remove the right one), tick the box on the right if you found it and just click delete at the bottom of the page.. again I think this might help, also haven't been on this site for very long so still figuring out myself.. also I'm not an expert, I just gave my opinion and advice, it was kinda weird seeing a picture of a poeci pop up and the OP saying avic avic

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Epiandrous fusillae sexing (Not Molts)
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