E.trunculentus or P.parvula?
Curious jay

E.trunculentus or P.parvula?

basically i was sold this as a E.trunculentus but some people have said it looks like a P.parvula I just want an assured answer if possible, thanks.
looks exactly like my P. parvula who was sold to me as "rose hair" it if has little white stripes on the lower end of the abdomen, then i'd say its definitely a P. parvula. is E. truculentus the same Sp. as P. parvula? because they look the same to me.
Yea mine has the white abdominal stripes... I think there is some dispute wether they are the same specie just with slight colour morphs I believe the E.trunculentus is more golden coloured on the carapace but that's about all the info I could find on them.

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Tarantula Identification
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Curious jay
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