I just got my first, and then realized a couple days after purchase that the vendor may have been dumping visually sexable males at the expo . This is the second good sized sling/juvie from them that appears to be an obvious male. Waiting on a molt for both with my fingers crossed, but I'm not very optimistic.
Your gorgeous lady here is what made me decide I needed to get this species.
I just got my first, and then realized a couple days after purchase that the vendor may have been dumping visually sexable males at the expo . This is the second good sized sling/juvie from them that appears to be an obvious male. Waiting on a molt for both with my fingers crossed, but I'm not very optimistic.
Your gorgeous lady here is what made me decide I needed to get this species.
Ah that sucks, I'm sure It'll give you plenty of joy in the time you have them regardless as they're stunning and have the same attitude regardless of the sex. Hopefully if they do turn out confirmed M you'll be able to find a lass for 'him' in future
I'm excited either way. Glad to hear he'll be just as gorgoeus, though. I try to find someone with a female for all my males when they mature out, feels better than letting them waste away.
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