When will I know when my male is mature? Do they have hooks or bulbous pedipalps?
Here are the emboli you are looking for, those red nubs on the pedipalps...
The first picture in this post are C versicolor emboli. He was one of my smaller males to mature...I've had a few wee ones and then one big boy like yours
So I just noticed this guy hooked out. I believe he molted a little over a month ago, but has been spending most of his time in his molt hammock. I promise you, he was still blueish pinkish and purplish before molting, the last cycle before adult coloring (my favorite, reminds me of a my...
When will I know when my male is mature? Do they have hooks or bulbous pedipalps?
Here are the emboli you are looking for, those red nubs on the pedipalps...
The first picture in this post are C versicolor emboli. He was one of my smaller males to mature...I've had a few wee ones and then one big boy like yours
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