Jumping spider
Interesting I just assumed that lenses were kind of universal , that one make of lens was much the same as that lens from another supplier. Learn something new everyday 😊.

Clearly, starting to think I should actually get a cam , one of my favourite things is getting pics of my baby's and I would love those pics to be better.

I have always thought my pics were rubbish because of my skill now I am starting to realise its not just my skill it's equipment....never going to get that perfect pic like this one if I am just trying on my phone 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Gives me plenty to think about, thank you lads 😊 .
Interesting I just assumed that lenses were kind of universal , that one make of lens was much the same as that lens from another supplier. Learn something new everyday 😊.

Clearly, starting to think I should actually get a cam , one of my favourite things is getting pics of my baby's and I would love those pics to be better.

I have always thought my pics were rubbish because of my skill now I am starting to realise its not just my skill it's equipment....never going to get that perfect pic like this one if I am just trying on my phone 🤷🏻‍♀️.

Gives me plenty to think about, thank you lads 😊 .
Lenses are not only far from universal, but buying the right lens is often more important than the camera body itself.

Some people have had ok results with a phone plus the apexel lens but I wouldn't expect it to be cost to a mirrorless camera equipped with a decent macro lens
Lenses are not only far from universal, but buying the right lens is often more important than the camera body itself.

Some people have had ok results with a phone plus the apexel lens but I wouldn't expect it to be cost to a mirrorless camera equipped with a decent macro lens
I do have a macro for my phone I have no idea what make it is though it just says 200x zoom, I chose it because it has its own light attached ect, I use it for gender on moults but never occurred to me that it may work for t/spoody pics. I will have to play n find out lol 😁

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Focal length
70.0 mm
Exposure time
File size
2.4 MB
Date taken
Thu, 28 November 2024 9:54 PM
2792px x 1944px

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